Jamie Muffett is a voice actor located in New York, NY, USA. He has been actively working as a voice actor since 2009. He has worked for a diverse pool of clients and brands, such as NBC, ESPN and Warner Brothers. Listen to 67 voice over samples that showcase his best work.
I'm a British voice actor who lives and works in the Philadelphia/New York City region. I moved to the US from the UK in December 2009. I have worked in voiceover for 13 years, and have been in music and audio production for over 15 years.
An authentic British voice, I have voiced for national TV ad campaigns in the US, UK and across the world. AAA video games, as well as Film/TV and featured at film festivals such as Cannes, Phoenix and Toronto.
I record in many top studios in NYC, and my own professional Pro Tools based recording setup (Mac based system, UAD Apollo interface, Sennheiser 416/U47/SM7b/NTG5 microphones) and can be live directed via Source Connect, IPDTL, phone patch, Zoom, Skype etc...
Website: https://www.JamieMuffettVO.com
US telephone 646-407-5274
Email info@jamiemuffett.com
Skype ID: jamiemuffett
Companies I have voiced for include…
In alphabetical order... ABC | Amazon | American Express | Audi | Avis | Bacardi | Barclays | BBC | BMW | Bose | British Airways | BT | Chanel | Channel 4 (UK) | Coca-Cola | Disney | EA Sports | eBay | ESPN | Etihad Airways | FIFA | Ghost Recon Breakpoint | Google | GTA 5 | Head & Shoulders | HP | IKEA | Mercedes-Benz | McDonald's | Michelob | Microsoft | National Geographic | NBC | Nickelodeon | Nokia | Novartis | Philips | Pirinase | Proctor & Gamble | Rainbow Six: Siege | Reelz Channel | Rockstar Games | Samsung | Seiko | Siemens | Sony | Spiderman: Far From Home | Ubisoft | Viking River Cruises | VISA | Vistaprint | Warner Bros | Yahoo!