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Jack Gates
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Jack Gates
A midwestern sound the guy next door
Last online16 years ago
Jack Gates
A midwestern sound the guy next door
Last online16 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 9:48 - Total samples: 9
Cancer care
Jack Gates - 1:00
Music Demo
Jack Gates - 2:06
New touch 700
Jack Gates - 0:29
Music Demo
Jack Gates - 0:44
Boston popps
Jack Gates - 0:25
Music Demo
Jack Gates - 1:24
Music Demo
Jack Gates - 1:36
Jack Gates - 1:40
The Ranger
Jack Gates - 0:21
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About Jack
Member sinceMar 30, 2008
Jack has formed and independent record label, Cool Gator Records, which is now based in the City of Cape Coral Florida. Jack has always been interested in the field of motion pictures and music. In his early years he has played gigs with the likes of Philip Bailey , Larry Dunn; members of Earth Wind and Fire.
The music of Jack Lee Gates is a refreshing formula of New Adult Contemporary Jazz. Jack also composes all types of music for other artist such as Country, Pop, Rap, and so on. His compositions are always full of melodic content; taking the listener on an instrumental journey through time, tradition and technology; bridging the old and the new in a sound born of love , magic and majesty. It reaches the very young to the old.
Jack Lee Gates From the other side
Jack Lee Gates One day past forever
Jack Lee Gates Lost for words
Jack Lee Gates City of dreams
Debbie Dietz Simply Grand
Lindsay Lindsay
Lisa Newell Catch a falling star
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: drums, vibes, guitar and piano
CREDITS TELEVISION Worked on the film made for TV - Fugitive Nights Danger in the Desert; Directed by Gary Nelson -Staring Teri Garr and Sam Elliott.
RADIO AIRPLAY: KTWV Los Angeles, KUOR Redlands, KUCR Riverside, KVCR San Bernardino.
SPORTS: Golf, Tennis
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Experience, training, and equipment
All digital
Accomplished aircraft owner and pilot with well over 1500 hours of flying time.
United States Marines 1972 to 1978
Served as Air Combat Intelligence Officer