Voiceover is something that has held my passion over many years. Everything from proclaiming the daily readings at church, to giving instruction on new technologies and explaining how to analyze highly complicated components using state-of-the-art equipment.
Doing "voices" is something I have done since I can remember. Studying accents is of particular interest. I have done several languages and accents for charitable organizations and corporations.
Working in engineering over the years has taught me to not only express technical instruction to a mass of people, but to present it in a way that everyone can understand it. From the CEO of the corporation, to the line operators that will be applying the instructions. In both English and Spanish. Sometimes switching between both of them in the same presentation!
I can perform from the very serious to highly comical. Whatever you need for your project, I can deliver! You will get the dedication of an electrical engineer with 25+ years of experience, the whimsy of a musician and singer of 20+ years and the friendliness of your next-door neighbor!