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Indira Leal
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Indira Leal
Character Specialist, Girl Next door, sultry, soft
Last online5 years ago
Indira Leal
Character Specialist, Girl Next door, sultry, soft
Last online5 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 1:34 - Total samples: 3
Chevrolet Captiva Colombia
Indira Leal - 0:11
Spanish Language PSA - super short!
Indira Leal - 0:16
Indira Leal - 1:05
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About Indira
Member sinceOct 22, 2009
Pulling from a 20 yrs experience of acting in theater, television, and film, production and casting direction, and acting coaching, Indira Leal can provide you with a wide array of voice over in neutral Latin American Spanish, character emphasized for some acted required voice overs, warm and poised for Narrations, fun and animated for commercials, serious and smooth for professional presentations
Skills and services offered
Spanish - Venezuelan
Spanish - Latin American Neutral
Voice gender & age
Female senior
Female adult
Female young adult
Female teenager
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
many characterizations of a varied accents from different Latin American countries, such as, Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, Cuba, Argentina, and Spain.
Experience, training, and equipment
Professional Experience
2007-2009 Casting Creative. Instructor, acting, casting and personalized acting lessons
2006-08 A&B Productora. VIP service director, TV and cinema ads
2005-08 Zoe producciones. Casting director, TV ads
1989-2004 Grupo Teatral Arte Atid. Advertisement and public relations, event organizer
2001 Cinemateca Nacional. Screenwriter, Program director, for Cinematv, producer, voice over
2000 Ateneo de Caracas Direccion de Cine. Coordinator, and programming director for movie halls
2000 ETC y Lipsing. Dubbing to Spanish, Film and Soap Operas
1999 Canal Uno Producciones. Casting production
1995-1997 Radio Caracas Television, actress for two series for their entire run
1989-1992 Festival Internacional de Teatro de Caracas. Public Relations and tech producer
1987-2008 TV, Movies, Theater. Actress, Director, Producer
2008- Movie Script techniques, Michel Marx, Paris, France
1999-Scripting workshop, Doc Comparato, Ateneo de Caracas, Caracas, Venezuela
1991-Movie Production, Diana Sanchez, Ateneo de Caracas, Caracas, Venezuela
1991-Cinematography techniques, Cesar Bolivar, UCV, Caracas, Venezuela
1987-1992-Universidad Central de Venezuela, Bachellor in Arts, Film major
Fluent in Spanish
Microsoft Powerpoint
AVID, digital video editing, Art Direction
Microsoft Word
MAC powerBook, MAC OS leopard.
Ableton LIVE 8 , suite. Audio Digital recording software
M-Audio Firewire 1814 audio interface
AKG C-414 B condensed microphone
(2)BlueTube microphone pre amps
Beringher BCR-2000 B-control Rotary
Korg MicroX USB controller keyboard
G-Force M-tron, m-audio virtual synth
G-Force impOSCar, M-audio virtual synth
Roland compact V4, electronic drumset
Achievements and awards
• Nominated to the Marco Antonio Ettedgui Award,(1993,2001)
• Nominated to ANAC award, best actress, 1999
• Best supporting actress on a TV series, Premio Nacional Casa del Artista 1996
• Nominated best actress on a play, Premio Nacional Casa del Artista 1995
• Best Theatre actress, Luna Del Celcit, 1995
• Best young Actress in a play, Casa del Artista, 1994
• Nominated to Best Actor, best art direction, Art Festival of ANAC, 1999