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Heather Andres
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Heather Andres
Girl Next Door, Sexy, Friendly, Character
Last online17 years ago
Heather Andres
Girl Next Door, Sexy, Friendly, Character
Last online17 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 1:00 - Total samples: 1
Heather Andres Mix
Heather Andres - 1:00
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About Heather
Member sinceAug 29, 2006
Good medium deep level range. Can go from very high and child/tee to low and authoritative. Smooth voice that is friendly and approachable for commercials, cd-dvd promotions, medical, industrials and can range from upscale to corporate and smooth for more serious projects. She can also do attitude/accent types of voices.She can sound very hip and cool for Random Acts of Music. She is an extremely versatile voice actress, announcer, and public speaker.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Female young adult
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Experience, training, and equipment
Henry J. Productions, three-year voice talent.
She has done antagonisitic political spots, many different sound effects for a Halloween radio ad, Jennifer Tilly-type accent for a Restaurant. She does many spot tag spots for Giant Eagle,Hosner Carpet, TLC, Anderson Cooper 360, Acme Fresh Market, and public service announcements.
Uses voice in massage therapy busines to relax clients and is working on a guided imagery cd. Working on internet radio staion with Alternative Health Solutions Half-hour spots.
B.A. in Journalism froom Kent State University,Took Performance for TV and Radio Course. Rhetoric Communication minor. Four-year state qualifier in Speech and Dramatic Interpretation. Placed 7th in state of Ohio as a high school senior. Performed a ten-minute dramatic piece called,"The Zooman and the Sign." It involved three character voices: black male, white male, and soft-spoken female.Took three years of Competitive and Impromptu speaking at Niles McKinley high school. Took many verbal and non-verbal interpersonal commuincation courses. Won Most Outstanding Senior girl award for Speech Team.
Currently writes copy for commercials and is the main female voice choice for Henry J. Productions.
She is an amazing imitator and can copy accents and sounds with great ease. Very uninhibited voice, willing to work hard and sound silly. Enjoys reading to children.
Also has experience with make-up for the Chiwawa Video She regulaly uses a degree in Massotherapy and has a good amount of medical/science knowledge.Heather is an excellent communicator both verbally and non-verbally.