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Gina May Jamieson
Gina May Jamieson
British Voiceover Actress - warm, clear and youthful
Last online2 months ago
Gina May Jamieson
British Voiceover Actress - warm, clear and youthful
Last online2 months ago
Playlists (3)
Duration: 1:17 - Total samples: 3
Commercial Sample- Supermarket
Gina May Jamieson - 0:31
Commercial Sample- Kids Game
Gina May Jamieson - 0:24
Commercial Sample - Natural Skincare
Gina May Jamieson - 0:21
Audiobook Narration
Duration: 1:16 - Total samples: 1
Audiobook Narration Sample - Young Adult Fiction
Gina May Jamieson - 1:16
Commercial Montage
Duration: 1:13 - Total samples: 1
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About Gina
Member sinceMay 4, 2023
LocationLondon, UK (GMT +1)
I'm an actress from Brighton with a first class BA Honours Degree in Acting from Manchester School of Theatre, and experience performing at theatres across the UK. Since graduating from Manchester School of Theatre in 2020 I've recorded an educational audio drama for students learning English for Silversun Media Group, multi-roled four very different characters in Arthur/Merlin at The Actor's Church in Covent Garden, then played Bobby in The Railway Children at Hull Truck Theatre, then Courtney in an R&D of Good for a Girl at Birmingham Repertory Theatre (which is getting set for a UK tour nex year) then donned many fake moustaches and silly hats and played Count Orsino and Andrew Aguecheek in Twelfth Night on a UK rep tour with actor-musco company The Three Inch Fools, as well as playing lead plotter Robert Catesby and The Bishop of Winchester in our second show, The Gunpowder Plot. This Christmas I covered (very) last minute as Fairy Reytgood in CAST Theatre Doncaster's panto! I've used my voice to create all these characters and pride myself on my clear diction, warm tone and authenticity. I can work with you to create exactly what you need and love collaborating in the studio- let's create some brilliant audio together!