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Geof Prysirr
Geof Prysirr
Integrity, Charm, Smart, Fun, Character, Flexible
Last online4 months ago
Geof Prysirr
Integrity, Charm, Smart, Fun, Character, Flexible
Last online4 months ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 6:30 - Total samples: 15
Geof Prysirr - 0:35
Assorted Character Spots
Geof Prysirr - 0:45
Training Video
Geof Prysirr - 0:47
Western Spots
Geof Prysirr - 0:18
Warm Voice
Geof Prysirr - 0:08
Real Spoksperson
Geof Prysirr - 0:08
Webcast Promo
Geof Prysirr - 0:46
Geof Prysirr - 0:57
Geof Prysirr - 0:07
PSA Environmental
Geof Prysirr - 0:08
High Intensity Sell
Geof Prysirr - 0:22
New York Characters
Geof Prysirr - 0:16
Radio Promotion
Geof Prysirr - 0:10
Mock Fontaine Commercial
Geof Prysirr - 0:34
Historical Documentary
Geof Prysirr - 0:23
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About Geof
Member sinceApr 5, 2009
For Commercials my range is flexible and directible. I was know in the Portland/Seattle market as the "whatever voice you need" voice. I can deliver a high intensity sell, a sexy playful tease, a rich and knowledgeable voice of persuasion, and a wide variety of characters and accents.
In Education/Announcer/Narration I speak with a real, melodic, non-accented American voice that's rich, warm, friendly, down to earth, and inviting. One client described it as "sincere clarity."
In Corporate and Professional Presentations I have well tuned vocal skills based on having had the opportunity to deliver live interactive training to over 40 major businesses and corporations. I know how to keep them listening.
In Audio Books and Animation I present an arsenal of Character Voices with wide range and can maintain a consistent, long term voicing.
Having worked professionally as an actor for over 30 years, I blend emotional reality with changes in vocal pitch, intonation, or intensity.
My voice has been termed honest, friendly, edgy, persuasive, passionate, heartwarming, and "hot."
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Jobs for these unions signatories
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Phone patch
Additional vocal abilities
I do a killer Jerry Lewis!
Movie Trailer
Differentiated Southern Accents
Differentiated New York Accents
Cowboy/American Old West
Differentiated English/British Accents
French Accent
German Accent
Russian Accent
Mexican/Spanish Accent
Irish Accent
Swedish Accent
Hellfire & Damnation preacher
Voice of God
Gangster Tough Guy
Military Drill Sergeant
Can create an original voice for virtually any character or object imaginable
Experience, training, and equipment
The following is a partial list of the varied applications of my voice:
Bon Marche
Payless Drugs (San Diego)
Cellular One
Portland Restaurants
Ron Tompkin Toyota
Hezog Meyer Volkswagen
M&M Mars Candy Company (National)
McDonalds Happy Meals & "Dollar Breakfast" (National)
KROC Radio (Portland)
Oregon Ballet Theater
Various Public Service Spots
Oregon Lottery
Mt. Bachelor Ski Resort
Big 5 Sporting Goods
Superfoods Grocery Chain
Bridgeport Brewery Narration
My success in the Voiceover Industry is based on my extensive work in associated artistic endeavors that were easily and comfortably transfered to the specialized needs of radio work. It was a natural and uncomplicated transition. There is also specific training in voiceover as well.
I have a BA degree from SUNY Binghamton with two years Post Graduate studies. During this time I was personal assistant to Arthur Lessac, author of "The Use and Training of the Human Voice." My Post Graduate work culminated in Co-developing "Body Wisdom: The Use and Training of the Human Body" with Arthur Lessac.
I was a founding member of Colonnades Theater Lab in NYC, an Off Broadway Repertory Theater. I both acted in and trained the company.
I have taught Voice, Speech, Acting, and Movement for both the stage and film/television at over 40 Colleges, Universities, and Professional Organization/Institutions. My most recent professorship was at Middlebury College in 2006 and 2008.
I participated in a weekly developmental voice workshop, over the course of a year (1996), with Rex Recording and the top six voice talents of the Northwest where we work on creating new and interesting vocal challenges, created spec copy for in house projects, and assisted each other in the continued development of our vocal range and application.
I currently work as a private coach in all areas of the communication arts. I work with corporate professionals, personal self expression, and actors. I am known in LA by a number of agents and managers as their "secret weapon." I am the individual who will be brought into a circumstance when the performer is stuck, frustrated, and losing confidence. I have a 100% success rate with the individuals I work with.
I have been an on set coach to both Television and Film. I work with the actors who "freeze up" and are unable to fulfill the directors needs.
I have worked in the corporate sector, delivering training in "Successful Interview Techniques", "Vocal Clarity and Emotional Reality", and "Personal & Interpersonal Communication Skill Building."
My eclectic background brings a unique and qualitative expressiveness to my work.
Recording booth
Mic: AT2020
Preamp: M-Audio USB Mobile Pre
Headphones: ATH-M30
Cables / Pop Filter / Mic Boom
Software: Garageband & Pro Tools
Access to full professional recording studio
I worked with Seyfarth Shaw At Work, a division of Seyfarth Shaw, a leader in labor and employment law. They saw my presentation work and hired me as one of three "non lawyers" to delivery their highly interactive corporate training for "Managing Within The Law" and "Anti-Harassment/Gender Sensitivity."
I have developed ads, copy, and corporate name identity.