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Flavia Brilli
Flavia Brilli
Elegant, Authoritative,Trustworthy; Fun & Sensual
Last online3 months ago
Flavia Brilli
Elegant, Authoritative,Trustworthy; Fun & Sensual
Last online3 months ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 9:45 - Total samples: 10
Flavia Brilli - 1:38
Flavia Brilli - 1:29
Charity Appeal
Flavia Brilli - 0:30
Chocolate Ad
Flavia Brilli - 0:36
Mercedes Benz
Flavia Brilli - 0:47
AXA Healthcare
Flavia Brilli - 0:22
Beauty Ad
Flavia Brilli - 0:19
London Canal Audiobook
Flavia Brilli - 1:40
Voice message
Flavia Brilli - 0:13
On-line training demo
Flavia Brilli - 2:08
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About Flavia
Member sinceOct 18, 2007
Upmarket luxurious, strong voiceover. Elegant, rich and sophisticated. My voice has an innate quality of trustworthiness and authority: ideal for business presentations and documentary format.My elegant delivery and warm tone is also perfect for travelogue promos and luxury products. In 'personal reads', I enjoy combining the latter with an element of 'tongue in cheek sensuality'
Skills and services offered
English - British
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Music production
Jobs for these unions signatories
British Equity
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
Recieved pronunciation(RP)
Experience, training, and equipment
Experienced voice talent with over twenty years of recording studio experience; working as a professional session singer with reputable writers and composers such as: film music composer, Michael Nyman; drummer and writer, Roger Taylor (Queen); guitarist and writer, Phil Manzanere (Roxy Music).
Actors Centre Voiceover workshops, London.
Mary Hammond (vocal coach),London
David Harris (drama training)at the Drill Hall, London.
Gary Terzza (voice-over Masterclass).
SE2200A Condenser Microphone
Edirol audio and midi interface
Adobe Audition 3.0 software/Windows Vista
Accomplished session singer; previously worked with Michael Nyman and featured in Peter Greenaway's film THE COOK, THE THIEF, HIS WIFE AND HER LOVER. Featured in LWT's 'BEADLES ABOUT'series in various roles: from snooty waitress to uptight divorcee. Vocal work for The Absolute Record Company,Yard Studios and BB Studios, London.Also released solo single, written and arranged by Peter Godwin, and performed at THE LONDON HIPPODROME.