✽ Source-Connect: Erin-Culpepper ✽
Sunshine, lollipops, rainbows – Erin Culpepper has a voice that will leave you reveling in optimistic positivity and wondering where her sweet and uplifting charm has been all your life. Her VO sound is charismatic, cute, and fun with a palpable brightness in all her work.
Erin’s no one-trick pony, though. She’s fun and sweet, but it’s her talent and natural inclination for acting that’ll knock your socks off. Need someone to bring your characters to life? Whether the conversational girl next door, the evil witch, or the weathered heroine, Erin has got you covered. The skies of your imagination are the only limit.
With past clients like Crayola, Big Fish Games, Reingold, and more, Erin is a trusted actor in the VO world. She exhibits true professionalism and commitment to her craft, completing many training sessions with the industry’s best to stay at the top of her game. At the end of the day, Erin is passionate about voiceover and will work hard to deliver to her clients a project they will absolutely love. She’s versatile and personable, and takes all direction with ease.
Erin lives in Wilmington, North Carolina, and works from her broadcast-quality home studio equipped with a Bluebird XLR cardioid condenser microphone, Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 audio interface, and Adobe Audition for editing. When she’s not in the booth, you can find Erin working as a veterinarian for dogs, cats, and even exotic animals (she especially loves reptiles and amphibians). She also enjoys spending time with her husband and toddler, as well as their three cats.
Did you know the bright side of life has a sound? Her name is Erin Culpepper – work with her today.
Experience: Animation - Video Games - Book Trailer - Commercial - Promo - PSA - Medical Narration - Corporate Narration - eLearning - Explainer - Kids - IVR - Instructional Videos - Children's Audiobooks
**Comprehensive List of Experience Available Upon Request**
Private Coaching: Kara Edwards - Lisa Biggs - Ginny Kopf
Voice Acting in Anime and Video Games with Chris Rager
Online Acting Workshop with Sonny Strait
Additional Training: Edge Studio - - J. Michael Collins - Pat Brady - George Whittam