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Dr Dr Thayer
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Dr Dr Thayer
I just want to say
Last online1 year ago
Dr Dr Thayer
I just want to say
Last online1 year ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 4:52 - Total samples: 2
Dirty Popcorn
Dr Dr Thayer - 1:20
Comcast, Philadelphia
Dr Dr Thayer - 3:31
Reviews (1)
4 years ago
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Excellent job 👌. Thank You so much for your proposal. I'll be looking forward to hearing from you again soon. Goodbye, and have a lovely day
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About Dr
Member sinceJun 2, 2014
Dr. Dr. Thayer ("Dr." is legal first name)
21146 Fountain View Ln #4101-F
Lutz, FL 33558
President, Pasco County Education Corporaton, parent company for 96.7 fm, WZPH, The Zephyr
Ed.D. 1992 Florida International Univ. Miami FL (Ra-TV, Math, Computers, Higher Ed)
Ed. S. 1989 Nova Univ. Miami FL (Math)
M.S. 1988 Florida International Univ. Miami FL (Math Ed)
B.S. 1971 Ill State Univ. Normal Ill (Speech/Ra -TV, Journalism)
A.A. 1969 Sauk Valley, Dixon Ill (general)
TV: Host of "Dial-A-Teacher" Ch. 2 Miami weekly, for 3 years.
Host of Disco TV show in Baton Rouge, late 1970's.
WKBW, Buffalo 1974 production director
WNOE, New Orleans 1980 dj + prog. dir.
WGOW, Chattanooga 1976 morning dj+programmer of 1st Computerized USA station
WLCS, Baton Rouge 1977-1979 dj + prod. dir.
WFLB, Fayetteville NC 1973 morning dj, prod. dir., m.d., p.d.
WBUD, Trenton NJ 1971 morning dj + prog. dir.
WPOK, Pontiac IL 1970 mornings + prog. dir.
WSDR, Sterling IL 1969 mornings + prog. dir.
WZOE, Princeton IL 1968 dj + prog. dir.
WFUN, Miami 1975 dj
WRNO New Orleans 1979+80
Parttime at Hot 105, Zeta, MagicWLYF (Ref: Dan Diloretto, formerly at C.C. Tampa) 1980-1987
Other Media: Weekly Music column in Zephyrhills News 2005-2009; Weekly in The Laker 2009-2010..
Currently Weathercaster for the, studying Meteorology at Mississippi Stat U.
Dr. Dr. Thayer's legal first name is spelled Dr. (not Doctor), but it is not
pronounced Dirr. Dr. Dr. studied weather at Ill. State Univ. (ISU), did
his master's at FIU, Miami, a specialist degree at Nova, Miami, and his
doctorate at FIU.
Among his many interests, Doc attributes "M's" as dominating his life: Music,
Math, Monsters, (See website pix. He's known far and wide as The Hulk, more
distinctly, as Doc puts it: "The Impressive Hulk--not quite Incredible"),
Muscles, and Magic. Doc plays drums and Congas in local bands (and dances
almost every night in the discos), teaches math and technology, is a
professional stage magician, and builds muscles (as a competitive bodybuilder,
Doc has 52 trophies, 6 titles, 1 overall, a pro card in the drug-tested
competitions, is a certified personal trainer, and was pictured in "Muscle &
Fitness" Feb 1999 pp. 234, 236 + 238).
weathercasts daily to radio stations.
DeVry University Online (DVUO), Chicago 2003-present
University of Phoenix/WIU Online 2002-present
St. Leo Univ, St. Leo, FL 2001-2004
Hillsborough Com. Col, Tampa 2002
Univ. So. Fla, Tampa 2000-2002
Miami-Dade Com. College 1983-2000
Art Inst. of Ft. Lauderdale 1995
Broward Comm. College, Ft. Lauderdale 1992-1999
Nova Univ. Miami 1988-1993
Florida International Univ., Miami, FL 1990
Union Institute, Miami 1988
Barry Univ. Miami 1988
Embry Riddle Aeronautical Univ, Ft. Lauderdale 1988
Land O'Lakes HS Land O'Lakes FL Fall 2000-present
Braddock HS, Miami (largest HS in world!) 1999-2000
Miami Central HS, Miami 1987-1999
Dial-A-Teacher TV Host 1993-1995
Dade Academy for Teaching Arts (DATA), M.Beach, FL 1987
Pace H.S. Miami, FL 1985-1987
Toras Emes, M. Beach FL 1984-1985
American H.S. Miami, FL 1983-1984
St. Thomas H.S. Ft. Lauderdale 1982-1983
S. Dade H.S. Miami 1981-1982
Shaw H.S. Marrero (New Orleans), LA. 1979-1981
Radio-TV fulltime on air 1967-1979
Hobbies: Radio-TV, Competitive Bodybuilding, Magic
Presentations: "Mathemagics"
Pasco Co. 2000
Fl. St. Math Convention, Sarasota 2000
"Reflections" (Pasco) 2000
Dade Co. Council Teachers of Math
Broward Comm. College
HOTS National Symposium, Miami 3-18-95
Dr. Dr. Thayer ("Dr." is legal first name)
21146 Fountain View Ln #4101-F
Lutz, FL 33558
Skills and services offered
English - Other
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Experience, training, and equipment
1983-2005 Audiocom, Miami, FL
Dr. Dr. Thayer ("Dr." is legal first name)
21146 Fountain View Ln #4101-F
Lutz, FL 33558
President, Pasco County Education Corporaton, parent company for 96.7 fm, WZPH, The Zephyr
Ed.D. 1992 Florida International Univ. Miami FL (Ra-TV, Math, Computers, Higher Ed)
Ed. S. 1989 Nova Univ. Miami FL (Math)
M.S. 1988 Florida International Univ. Miami FL (Math Ed)
B.S. 1971 Ill State Univ. Normal Ill (Speech/Ra -TV, Journalism)
A.A. 1969 Sauk Valley, Dixon Ill (general)
TV: Host of "Dial-A-Teacher" Ch. 2 Miami weekly, for 3 years.
Host of Disco TV show in Baton Rouge, late 1970's.
WKBW, Buffalo 1974 production director
WNOE, New Orleans 1980 dj + prog. dir.
WGOW, Chattanooga 1976 morning dj+programmer of 1st Computerized USA station
WLCS, Baton Rouge 1977-1979 dj + prod. dir.
WFLB, Fayetteville NC 1973 morning dj, prod. dir., m.d., p.d.
WBUD, Trenton NJ 1971 morning dj + prog. dir.
WPOK, Pontiac IL 1970 mornings + prog. dir.
WSDR, Sterling IL 1969 mornings + prog. dir.
WZOE, Princeton IL 1968 dj + prog. dir.
WFUN, Miami 1975 dj
WRNO New Orleans 1979+80
Parttime at Hot 105, Zeta, MagicWLYF (Ref: Dan Diloretto, formerly at C.C. Tampa) 1980-1987
Other Media: Weekly Music column in Zephyrhills News 2005-2009; Weekly in The Laker 2009-2010..
Currently Weathercaster for the, studying Meteorology at Mississippi Stat U.
Dr. Dr. Thayer's legal first name is spelled Dr. (not Doctor), but it is not
pronounced Dirr. Dr. Dr. studied weather at Ill. State Univ. (ISU), did
his master's at FIU, Miami, a specialist degree at Nova, Miami, and his
doctorate at FIU.
Among his many interests, Doc attributes "M's" as dominating his life: Music,
Math, Monsters, (See website pix. He's known far and wide as The Hulk, more
distinctly, as Doc puts it: "The Impressive Hulk--not quite Incredible"),
Muscles, and Magic. Doc plays drums and Congas in local bands (and dances
almost every night in the discos), teaches math and technology, is a
professional stage magician, and builds muscles (as a competitive bodybuilder,
Doc has 52 trophies, 6 titles, 1 overall, a pro card in the drug-tested
competitions, is a certified personal trainer, and was pictured in "Muscle &
Fitness" Feb 1999 pp. 234, 236 + 238).
weathercasts daily to radio stations.
DeVry University Online (DVUO), Chicago 2003-present
University of Phoenix/WIU Online 2002-present
St. Leo Univ, St. Leo, FL 2001-2004
Hillsborough Com. Col, Tampa 2002
Univ. So. Fla, Tampa 2000-2002
Miami-Dade Com. College 1983-2000
Art Inst. of Ft. Lauderdale 1995
Broward Comm. College, Ft. Lauderdale 1992-1999
Nova Univ. Miami 1988-1993
Florida International Univ., Miami, FL 1990
Union Institute, Miami 1988
Barry Univ. Miami 1988
Embry Riddle Aeronautical Univ, Ft. Lauderdale 1988
Land O'Lakes HS Land O'Lakes FL Fall 2000-present
Braddock HS, Miami (largest HS in world!) 1999-2000
Miami Central HS, Miami 1987-1999
Dial-A-Teacher TV Host 1993-1995
Dade Academy for Teaching Arts (DATA), M.Beach, FL 1987
Pace H.S. Miami, FL 1985-1987
Toras Emes, M. Beach FL 1984-1985
American H.S. Miami, FL 1983-1984
St. Thomas H.S. Ft. Lauderdale 1982-1983
S. Dade H.S. Miami 1981-1982
Shaw H.S. Marrero (New Orleans), LA. 1979-1981
Radio-TV fulltime on air 1967-1979
Hobbies: Radio-TV, Competitive Bodybuilding, Magic
Presentations: "Mathemagics"
Pasco Co. 2000
Fl. St. Math Convention, Sarasota 2000
"Reflections" (Pasco) 2000
Dade Co. Council Teachers of Math
Broward Comm. College
HOTS National Symposium, Miami 3-18-95
Dr. Dr. Thayer ("Dr." is legal first name)
21146 Fountain View Ln #4101-F
Lutz, FL 33558
Full track recording studio I own a radio station, and will use my equipment for recording.