The story goes something like this. Dennis The Menace listened to a lot of legendary New York City radio as a kid. Top 40 WABC. Progressive WNEW-FM. He also won a lot of "guess the song contests" that brought him into real radio studios where he decided he would be as good as the D.J.s he idolized! In 1972 at the age of 15, DTM auditioned for and was given his very own "Top 25" show on the first cable radio station in the U.S. (His parents drove him to the station!). Soon after, he was written up in the local newspaper as "New York's Youngest D.J." and that was the beginning of over 40 years on the radio!
He has been on the air in New York, Florida, and Boston as co-host of "Music Scene" on KISS-108 where his interviews were also heard on the "Rolling Stone Continuous History of Rock and Roll.” Today, he is host/producer of two syndicated specialty radio shows broadcast from his Menace Studio in Los Angeles and is Music Director of 99.1 KBUU, Malibu. Starting with the Talking Heads in 1977 and now 1000 + interviews later, he considers his conversations with rock and rollers of note one of the most joyous parts of his life - only second to his daughter Kate! When not on the radio, he's Founder and Creative Director of PopCult Worldwide a company that produces music podcasts.