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David Kinsman
David Kinsman
powerful voice, extremely flexible, good range
Last online5 months ago
David Kinsman
powerful voice, extremely flexible, good range
Last online5 months ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 8:03 - Total samples: 5
DKinsman Character Voice Demo
David Kinsman - 2:53
Various Character Voices
David Kinsman - 0:31
Commercial And Industrial Demo
David Kinsman - 1:27
Corporate Demo
David Kinsman - 2:10
British Accents
David Kinsman - 1:00
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About David
Member sinceOct 17, 2005
LocationToronto, ON, Canada (GMT -4)
My voice is extremely versatile and can easily be adapted to any situation or client needs. Soft, low and inviting one minute and strong,powerful and exciting the next. Character voices, children, seniors, and fantasy characters. Voices I can imitate include: Popye, Dudly Do Right, Stallone, Scharznegger, plus numerous characters created by me. Accents include: English, Irish, East Indian, Bronx, Southern US, French, Jamacian, and Russian.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Special effects
Jobs for these unions signatories
ACTRA (Canada)
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Toronto, ON, Canada
Additional vocal abilities
British, Irish, East Indian, Russian, US Southern, Bronx, French, German
Experience, training, and equipment
Have been a working actor and voice professional for nearly 20 years now. Past theatre experience includes Medieval Times dinner theatre playing numerous scripted roles and ad-lib in character for customers. All in an English accent. Numerous radio, TV, and industrial voice over assignments for clients including: Bata Shoes, Sanyo, Music World, IBM, Hydrofoil Lake Jet Lines, Art Gallery of Ontario, Simcoe County Museum, audio books, and CD magazine host.
I am also an experienced sound recording engineer and musician. Been assistant engineer on a number of records and engineer/performer on my own material.
Tom Todoroff Act Now
Ongoing Acting Workshop
Voice & Movement
With Deborah Joy
Voice Technique
With Adam Bradely (Fitzmaurice Voice Technique
Actors Fightclub
Ongoing Actors Audition and Workshop
Sears & Switzer
Focus On Film Acting
National Institute of Broadcast
Voice and on camera training
Creative Advertising Broadcast - Seneca College
Advertising, marketing, script writing, performing, etc.
Harris Institute for the Arts
Production engineering/music production, video production, music law, music marketing, etc
Professional working actor for twenty years
Macintosh G5 1.8
Macintosh MacBook Pro
Mbox interface
Pro Tools, Logic Pro & other recording software
Audio Technica Microphone (other mics as needed)
Various Effects
Library of music and sound f/x
Audio engineer
Script writer
Computer skills (Mac and PC)