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David Graham
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David Graham
Trustworthy young adult to standard DJ
Last online10 years ago
David Graham
Trustworthy young adult to standard DJ
Last online10 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 0:59 - Total samples: 1
David Graham - 0:59
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About David
Member sinceDec 2, 2005
I have two distict voices that I use. Prodominatly I use my medium smooth narration voice. For fun tracks and commercials I use my natural voice which is more upbeat and younger sounding. Overall I portray a friendly and trustworthy speaker.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Male young adult
Experience, training, and equipment
YIKES! Hard to write my experience in a paragraph. Over the years I have have been involved in all areas of broadcast, performance and recording. I currently own a project studio which allows me to write and record jingles commercials and music beds as well as copywriting. I have written and recorded several projects which have aired for such shows as "Breakfast With Bob", " Mission Mohawk Valley", "WVVC" and worked with the local symphony co writing a song for missing children. Too many to list. Feel free to inquire All recordings are in the 24 bit format and easily converted to mps wav or standard cd.
What you hear is what you get. I have taken several jingle production courses. For many years I have privatly studied music writing, advertising, media production and copywriting. I have an on going interest in left brain right brain theories in application with music. Experience invloves being aired in commercials and in studio guest both radio and talk show as well as some minor public speaking.
I love what I do. period