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Dan Baker
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Dan Baker
Powerful Baritone Voice
Last online9 years ago
Dan Baker
Powerful Baritone Voice
Last online9 years ago
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About Dan
Member sinceAug 10, 2005
LocationPhiladelphia, PA, USA (GMT -4)
My vocal inflections can range from bright and happy for upbeat commercials, to smooth and professional. I am also capable of reading deep narrations. I can perform as a bass or baritone voice, depending on your needs.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Additional vocal abilities
American (Boston, southern, California, New York, Philadelphia/Delaware, Pennsylvania Dutch), Canadian, British, Irish, Scottish, Australian, German
Experience, training, and equipment
I have been in professional voice work since 2008, when I began working for Philadelphia's WMMR-FM. I've written, recorded, and produced countless ads for various media outlets. Clients have ranged from local colleges and universities, to companies such as Budweiser and Comcast/Xfinity. With full production facilities at my disposal, I am able to produce professional, high-quality work with a quick turnaround.
BA in Broadcasting, Telecommunications, and Mass Media from Temple University in Philadlephia. I studied broadcast and theater performance, featuring classes such as Broadcast Performance Technique I-II, Radio Studies, Speech for the Actor.
I have worked in major-market and national radio since the beginning of 2008, and have been featured as a voice for various companies and commercials.
Focusrite Scarlett interface with a variety of condenser and dynamic microphones for a variety of audio intonation. I edit using Logic Pro X on a MacBook Pro with advanced processing power.
I have been involved with theater productions since the 2nd grade, eventually pursuing community theater between semesters at college.