Vanessa was excellent to work with. Her turnaround time was fast, very communicative and was very professional. Highly recommended if you are looking for a very talented voice artist.
Vanessa Réty2 months ago
Thank you so much for your trust and your kind words Jason. It was a real pleasure to work with you. I hope we'll have the chance to do it again. I wish you a very nice day and a wonderfull year. See you soon.
1 year ago
Flag review
1 year ago
Flag review
Fantastic acting, swift turnaround and great attention to detail. Highly appreciated and recommended!
Vanessa Réty1 year ago
Thank you very much! It was a real pleasure to collaborate with you on this funny project! See you soon!
Top 10%of voice actors
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7 Bookings2 in the last 12 months2 in the last year
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6 clientsbooked this voice actorbooked
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About Vanessa
Member sinceMar 4, 2021
LocationHouilles, 78800 Houilles, France (GMT +1)
Vanessa Réty is a voice actor located in Houilles, 78800 Houilles, France. She has been actively working as a voice actor since 2021. Listen to 50 voice over samples that showcase her best work.
Hi there!
My name is Vanessa and I am a voice-over (otherwise why would I be here? ;)
In terms of voice? Native French with a naturally young and dynamic tone, I remain versatile and adapt to all your requests (within reason... Do not ask me for a Morgan Freeman voice!)
Regarding my equipment, I have the pleasure of recording your projects in a Studiobricks One Plus Voice Over Edition booth (the ultimate in acoustic treatment!)
At the wheel of my RØDE NT1 microphone and my SSL 2+ audio interface, I interpret and magnify your texts to convey all your messages.
But tell me more about your project!
- Advertising ?
- Motion design for marketing, explanatory or informative purposes? (Motion design is very fashionable!)
- E-learning?
- Documentary?
- Audio book ?
- Tale for children? <3
- Character of any kind?
- Voice for toy?
- Telephone waiting or voice server?
- Reception and/or closure of a park? (Yes, I did!)
OK ! I stop here ! I'm not going to list all the projects requiring a voice-over. It's yours that interests me! Tell me :
- What is the message to convey?
- What is your target?
- How do you want your audience to feel? Because everything is a question of feeling, you know?
- Do you already have an idea of the intention you want me to instill in your text? Go ahead, tell me everything, I'm all ears!
As you can see, I look forward to starting some great collaborations with you. So see you soon!
Vocally yours,
Vanessa Réty, Voice-over
Bonjour !
Je m'appelle Vanessa et je suis voix-off (sinon, pourquoi serais-je ici ? ;)
Au niveau de la voix ? Native française avec un ton naturellement jeune et dynamique, je reste polyvalente et m'adapte à toutes vos demandes (dans la limite du raisonnable... Ne me demandez pas une voix à la Morgan Freeman !)
Concernant mon équipement, j'ai le plaisir d'enregistrer vos projets dans une cabine Studiobricks One Plus Voice Over Edition (le nec plus ultra du traitement acoustique !)
Au volant de mon microphone RØDE NT1 et de mon interface audio SSL 2+, j'interprète et magnifie vos textes pour faire passer tous vos messages.
Mais dites-m'en plus sur votre projet !
- Publicité ?
- Motion design à but marketing, explicatif ou informatif ? (C'est très à la mode le motion design !)
- E-learning ?
- Documentaire ?
- Livre audio ?
- Conte pour enfant ? <3
- Personnage en tout genre ?
- Voix pour jouet ?
- Attente téléphonique ou serveur vocal ?
- Accueil et/ou fermeture d'un parc ? (Si si, je l'ai fait !)
Ok ! Je m'arrête là ! Je ne vais pas vous faire la liste de tous les projets nécessitant une voix-off. C'est le vôtre qui m'intéresse ! Racontez-moi :
Quel est le message à transmettre ?
- Quelle est votre cible ?
- Quel sentiment souhaitez-vous faire ressentir à votre audience ? Car tout est une question de feeling, vous savez ?
- Vous avez déjà une idée de l'intention que vous souhaitez que j'insuffle à votre texte ? Allez-y, dites-moi tout, je suis toute ouïe !
J'ai hâte d'entamer de belles collaborations avec vous. Alors à très vite !
Vocalement vôtre,
Vanessa Réty, voix-off
Skills and services offered
French - European
Voice gender & age
Female teenager
Female young adult
Female adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Houilles, 78800 Houilles, France
Additional vocal abilities
I can sing and play a lot of little characters such as kids, elves, pixies, teddy bear...
Je peux chanter et jouer nombre de petits personnages comme des enfants, des elfes, des fées, des oursons...
Experience, training, and equipment
Regarding my equipment, I have the pleasure of recording your projects in a Studiobricks One Plus Voice Over Edition booth (the ultimate in acoustic treatment!)
At the wheel of my RØDE NT1 microphone and my SSL 2+ audio interface, I interpret and magnify your texts to convey all your messages.
Concernant mon équipement, j'ai le plaisir d'enregistrer vos projets dans une cabine Studiobricks One Plus Voice Over Edition (le nec plus ultra du traitement acoustique !)
Au volant de mon microphone RØDE NT1 et de mon interface audio SSL 2+, j'interprète et magnifie vos textes pour faire passer tous vos messages.