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Colin Larsen
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Colin Larsen
A Voice That Resonates
Last online1 year ago
Colin Larsen
A Voice That Resonates
Last online1 year ago
Playlists (2)
Duration: 3:05 - Total samples: 2
Commercial Demo
Colin Larsen - 1:11
Narration Demo
Colin Larsen - 1:53
Explainer/Narration - Bilingual
Duration: 0:42 - Total samples: 3
Spanish Loan Explainer
Colin Larsen - 0:11
Spanish Home Closing Explainer
Colin Larsen - 0:20
English Mortgage Loan Explainer
Colin Larsen - 0:10
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About Colin
Member sinceMay 20, 2019
Email me at!
As an experienced voiceover professional, Colin has considerable experience in a wide variety of audio media. Whether you’re a business looking for that warm and confident spokesman, an animator creating an off-the-wall character, or a filmmaker searching for that perfect voice to help tell your story - Colin has you covered.
With his thoughtful and methodical approach to reading, Colin always ensures that the emotional core of a piece remains the focus in the recording booth.
Colin has leant his voice to audiobooks, commercials, cartoons, explainer videos, documentaries and more. He also has considerable experience on the technical side of audio - editing and mastering as the podcast producer for both his own show, Verbatim, as well as the DC-based The Buzz with ACT-IAC (which he also hosts).
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Spanish - Latin American Neutral
Portuguese - Brazilian
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Male young adult
Male senior
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Remote live direction
On-site recording
Source Connect
Phone patch
Additional vocal abilities
Standard American English and Regional Dialects, Character Voices
Experience, training, and equipment
I've done work for Turo, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. I'm also an experienced podcast producer and host for the American Councils for Technology - a Washington D.C. non-profit.