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Claire H Gresham

  • Response time17 minutes
  • Last online2 days ago

Playlists (8)

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Reviews (7)

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    Professional, Responsive, Talented. Claire was a great person to work with.
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    Claire is a real pro. Very responsive and eager to make your project as good as it can be. Highly recommended.
    Thank you so much! Such a pleasure to work with you!
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  • 17 minutesmedian response timeresponse time
  • n/a



  • 4 Bookings2 in the last 12 months2 in the last year
  • 4 clientsbooked this voice actorbooked
  • 38 clientsfavorited this profilefavorites

About Claire

  • Member sinceJan 23, 2010
Claire H Gresham | Voice over actor | Voice123
  • LocationBrooklyn, NY, USA (GMT -4)
Claire H Gresham is a voice actor located in Brooklyn, NY, USA. She has been actively working as a voice actor since 2010. She is known for her work as the Laura in Whispered Secrets 10, Maura and Narrator in Reflections of Life 8 and Narrator in Meal Plan Map Corporate Video. She has worked for a diverse pool of clients and brands, such as American Express, Panasonic and Meal Plan Map. Listen to 31 voice over samples that showcase her best work. Claire Gresham is a Brooklyn-based voice actor whose focus is on commercials, videogames, and audiobooks. She comes from a theatre background, and is known for her intricate character work as well as her compelling and evocative narrative style. You can learn/hear at www.clairegresham.com or contact directly at clairegresham@gmail.com. A HISTORY OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS Since getting started in voiceover in 2010, Claire has developed a network of loyal clients. Customer service is her number one priority and she takes pride in how her voice talents are used and how they represent her as a performer. As such, you can be confident that when you book Claire for a job, you will be booking a professional that will work with you to ensure that you have the perfect voiceover for your project. AN EXPERIENCED PROFESSIONAL Having worked with clients such as American Express, Genius Orbit, and UCI Irvine, as well as having been the voice for the five-part "Future Cities" web series for Skift/MasterCard, Claire is a full-time professional voice actor operating from a high quality home studio and she brings both experience with and a passion for vocal performance to the table for you! Currently, she is recording and producing a series of twelve audiobooks for the popular Young Adult series "The Day Twelve Witches Burned" by Grace M. DeLeesie. Books One through Five are available on Audible.com for download. COMPELLING AND DYNAMIC VOCAL STYLE Claire has a powerful, charismatic, and deep female voice with a generic American dialect. The naturally rich tone of her voice contributes to a sense of vocal gravitas, excellent for narration and audiobooks. Claire's voice is commanding but also versatile, and she has a special penchant for creating unique and layered character performances for video games as well as animations. Claire loves to flex her natural sound into a variety of different characterizations from a ditzy millennial to an alien monster to Lady Bracknell, and everywhere in between. Whether you are producing a commercial, a documentary, an audiobook, an independent video game, a corporate piece for use internally or with clients, or even your company's automated telephone attendant, Claire has the experience and versatility to bring that special something to your script and lift the words right off the page. Coming from a theatre background, Claire loves storytelling and enjoys creative voice work, making bold choices and imbuing copy with humor, intelligence, and inner life. She is very direct-able and am always up for a challenge! Claire has a true passion for vocal performance and loves what she does. Working with Claire means working with an experienced and talented voiceover professional that cares about her craft and her clients.

Skills and services offered

    • Language
    • Voice gender & age
    • Additional services offered
      Deliver edited and finished voice over
      Add music
      Add special effects
      Produce complete and mastered radio ad
      Write the copy
    • Recording and delivery options
      Digital delivery
      On-site recording
      Phone patch
        • Location
          Brooklyn, NY, USA
    • Additional vocal abilities
      Conversational Narration Warm Deep Authentic Confident Intelligent Sophisticated Casual Quirky Goofy Dry Various Character Voices for Animation and Games Accents and Dialects Performed Include: Southern (General), Arkansan, Texan, Georgian, Mid-Atlantic, British (RP), Cockney/Lower Class British, Irish/Yorkshire, Scottish, Russian, and New Orleanian.
    • Experience, training, and equipment
      Claire works from a fully-outfitted professional home studio in Brooklyn, New York and is capable of delivering high quality audio files on demand, weekend and evening hours are available and overnight or same day delivery are possible. Hardware includes: Sennheiser MK4 Condenser Microphone, Focusrite Scarlett Solo Audio Interface and Adobe Audition Editing Suite. Claire's passion is storytelling, and thusly she enjoys creating complex and dynamic characters and bringing her theatrical and improv background to her voiceover work. She has a wealth of eclectic experience and she is always looking to add to her repertoire. Clients Include: CORPORATE American Express Amicus Therapeutics Cisco Systems MasterCard Skift Meal Plan Map Genius Orbit CUE Vapor System MetaSearch Clipper Card VIDEOGAMES Reflections of Life 8/Big Fish Games Whispered Secrets 10/Big Fish Games Omega Legends/Sky Union Hong Kong Legend of Ace/Funcube Technology Limited AUDIOBOOKS The Day Twelve Witches Burned (series, 5 volumes) by Grace M. DeLeesie Paper Cranes by Nicole Hite A Witch in Time Saves Nine by Nikki Broadwell E-LEARNING UCI Irvine Creative Learning Solutions Claire received her undergraduate education at Tulane University in New Orleans, where she studied various performance techniques as a theatre major with Buzz Podewell, Ron Gural, and Paul Schierhorn, among others. Additional training has included a Voice Acting for Video Games Master Class with Jennifer Hale, Commerical Voiceover Advanced Technique Course with Paul Liberti, Coaching with Eamonn Farrell, and ongoing training and support with Gravy for the Brain, among others. Finally, Claire is a complete perfectionist and will work very hard with you to ensure that her deliverables are of the highest quality. CONTACT: clairegresham@gmail.com

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