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Circe Luna
Circe Luna
Sweet, fun, latin girl , character specialist.
Last online5 months ago
Response time11 hours
Circe Luna
Sweet, fun, latin girl , character specialist.
Response time11 hours
Last online5 months ago
Playlists (4)
All my samples
Duration: 6:36 - Total samples: 11
Mexico Female Circe Luna
Circe Luna - 0:57
Spanish PSA
Circe Luna - 0:27
Circe Luna - 0:58
Spanish Female-Holocaust museum tour
Circe Luna - 0:26
Circe Luna - 0:38
Reproductor Mp3
Circe Luna - 0:34
Mensaje Telefonico
Circe Luna - 0:26
Circe Luna - 0:14
Circe Luna - 0:37
Locucion comercial
Circe Luna - 0:49
Circe Luna - 0:25
Duration: 1:12 - Total samples: 1
Demo agust 2020
Circe Luna - 1:12
Duration: 0:57 - Total samples: 1
Samples 2
Duration: 0:28 - Total samples: 1
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About Circe
Member sinceAug 30, 2006
My voice can be warm, sexy, fun and fresh, and also smooth and professional for presentations. Voice over acting, voice over talents, message on hold. Anything you need for voice in Spanish.
I can speak with different accents in my native language.
I can speak in English about 80%.
I can make traslation from English to spanish.
Skills and services offered
Spanish - Latin American Neutral
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Female young adult
Female teenager
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Remote live direction
Additional vocal abilities
Argentine accent, Cuban accent, Spanish accent.
Experience, training, and equipment
I started my career when I was a child in a radio
I have 28 years like professional in dubbing and voice acting.
I am director of voice dubbing in the recording studios like: Macias Group.
I give my voice to Tweety in the tv show "Baby looney toones" in Spanish, I give my voice to Cindy in the tv and movie "Jimmy Neutron" in Spanish,
I am Chloe in the tv series "Smallville" in spanish, Page in "Charmed",etc.
I have experience in radio shows for kids. For about three years I was the host in a show called "Mausimania" in the radio station XEW in México City.
At present I am the director of actors in a radio-novel, "Guerreros de los últimos tiempos", were I am also adapting and writing the scripts.
Centro de arte dramatico AC in México City.
Drama in Wilkes Comunity College, in North Carolina USA.
Classic Ballet , for four years in Academia de Ballet de Coyoacan, México City.
Belly Dancing and flamenco.
Basic equipment for voice studio. Mac Book Air, Scarlett 2i2 third generation Focusrite interface, microphones Zoom H4 , AKG perception and Shure. WAVPAD, Audacity and Riper.
I gave my voice to four dolls for Mattel and Fotorama de México.
I give my voice to Maggie Gyllenhaal in diferents movies like "Monalisa smille", "stranger than fiction" "La casa de los Babys"
I give my voice to Christina Applegate in diferents movies like "The sweetest thing" and "surviving christmas".
Folow me at Twiter @brujawitch