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Chuck Brown
Chuck Brown
Believable, Professional, Confident, Accessible
Last online1 month ago
Chuck Brown
Believable, Professional, Confident, Accessible
Last online1 month ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 15:02 - Total samples: 8
Commercial Demo (Chuck Brown)
Chuck Brown - 3:12
Movie Trailer Voice Demo (Chuck Brown)
Chuck Brown - 2:04
eLearning Demo (Chuck Brown)
Chuck Brown - 2:57
Cowboy & Western Character Voices (Chuck Brown)
Chuck Brown - 0:00
Criminal Character Voices (Chuck Brown)
Chuck Brown - 1:49
Fantasy Wizard Character Voice (Chuck Brown)
Chuck Brown - 0:52
Silly Character Voices (Chuck Brown)
Chuck Brown - 2:59
Radio Imaging Sampler (Chuck Brown)
Chuck Brown - 1:06
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About Chuck
Member sinceAug 12, 2015
LocationColumbus, OH, USA (GMT -4)
>> Please remember to click on the Heart symbol at top right to add me to your you can quickly find me when you need me! :)
I have decades of experience serving customers of all stripes. I work very hard to make sure I provide precisely what you need for your project. It’s my job to make my client look like a hero to whomever they need to my customer service is unparalleled. I’ve been an in-demand voice talent now since the early 1980s, and for good reason. I’d love to be the voice of your next project.
With regular clients including national and international companies such as Nokia, Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, Omnivera, STMicroelectronics and Sequent, I'm in-demand for corporate image and marketing videos, eLearning and web-based training, broadcast commercials, documentaries, product demos, property listings and telephony projects.
I'm experienced and knolwedgable on technology issues, and comfortable with a wide range of medical terminology and religious content delivered in a comfortable but confident manner. I have received a lot of feedback over the years about the higher retention levels that learners have experienced listening to my voice than others who had previously served in the same role.
It's been noted by clients that I have a gift for taking messy, convoluted writing and topics…and untangling them and making them accessible. Whether or not I have specific experience in a business, I seem to absorb and translate “shop talk” really well. I’d love the chance to breathe life into the text of your next presentation.
I’ve made my living primarily with my voice for over 30 years. Thousands of commercials, E-Learning projects and textbooks on tape. Some of that time was in radio (including a lot of commercials) and as voice-for-hire. You’ve heard me on radio & TV, serving as the Voice of God at various live awards ceremonies (including for the PGA and The Ohio State University), as the voice on-hold or navigating you through a company’s voice mail system, as the voice of intros to several high-profile podcasts, as characters in various videogames, and even a few audio books.
>> Please remember to click on (Add to My Preferred Voices) at the top right
>> to add me to your you can quickly find me when you need me! :)
Abbott Nutrition
American Electric Power
Big Lots
Bob Evans Restaurant
Business Professionals of America
Cherry Valley Lodge
City of Gahanna, Ohio
Columbus Chamber of Commerce
Columbus Crew SC
Columbus Square Bowling Palace
Corporate One
Delta Airlines
Defense Logistics Agency
Direct Selling Association
Eagle Crusher
Franklin University
Hague Quality Water
Heart Attack Grill
Junior Achievement
Kronheims Furniture
Leader Drug Stories
Lane Bryant
McGraw Hill Education
Mount Vernon Nazarene University
NGWA - The Groundwater Association
Nationwide Insurance
Nelson Auto Group
Oasis Water
Oakland Nurseries
Octapharma Plasma
Ohio Department of Health
Ohio Department of Public Safety
Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges
Ohio Health
Ohio State Fair
Polaris Amphitheater
Port Columbus
Rite Rug Flooring
S4 NetQuest
Scotts Lawn Care
Southern Living At Home
Stanley Steemer
State Auto Insurance Companies
Summit Learning
Telesis Marking Systems
The Pampered Chef
The Professional Golfer's Assoc. (PGA)
The Strategy Group Company
Toyota Direct
Value City Furniture
Van Diest Supply Company
Vinylmax Windows
Waste Management
Wendy's Restaurants
“Hey Chuck it’s exceptional just like everything else you always do for me. Thank you very much!”
“Chuck has a knack for making the material sound much better than it is.”
“It’s been great to work with you all these years. I really appreciate your contributions to bringing our projects to life. We couldn’t do these without you. You are a true professional.”
“My client loved your voiceover, so well done for doing the sample with their script, that definitely clinched the deal. You did a great job and thank you for doing it so fast for me.”
“Awesome job Chuck… it’s perfect. You are the man. You have such great control… you can tweak things with such great precision, just as I had imagined in my mind… and such quick service was a great surprise!!!”
“…I agree with you Chris, I reckon Chuck Brown has done a brilliant job with the voice over. He’s strong, severe and very believable!”
“…everyone loves your work!”
“…they love the promo you did… Eddie Money, Rick Derringer, and Michael Bolton… they all dug it.”
“WOW! The voice over guy is truly the key to excellent training. What a fine, concise piece. Congratulations!”
“You have a wonderful way of delivering. Such talent. I’ve never heard such clarity and authority and distinctiveness (as) in your delivery. And we also appreciate your promptness in getting back to us, and producing that…”
“I think this will be perfect. You are very good at what you do…”
“thanks. you are a life saver. In all my years I have never had anyone respond as quick as you nor be as flexible. You’re great.”
“Wow! That was beautiful. You are VERY good!”
“Thanks Chuck! You nailed this VO. It really made this project better!”
“I realized the bad shape of the script when I received it at 4pm my time, but it was already too late then ..Wish I only would have the pleasure to work with professionals like you Chuck. Thanks so much for the superquick delivery…”
“HOME RUN! you nailed it. absolutely perfect!”
“You are the best !!!”
“Very good. I’m impressed again.”
“Perfect. Thanks as always Chuck for the very fast turnaround a great product!”
>> Please remember to click on (Add to My Preferred Voices) at the top right
>> to add me to your you can quickly find me when you need me! :)
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Additional vocal abilities
I do some Western and Southern American character stuff, as well as a bit of British.
Experience, training, and equipment
As your friendly neigborhood Male Voiceover Professional...I can do almost anything VO-wise. I've done everything from thousands of standard broadcast radio & TV commercials to the voice of automated robotic mascots in schools and restaurants...and installation videos to accompany various retail products. I've been the character voice of an animated pencil, narrated stories and audio books for adults and children, done movie trailer-style intros for productions of various sizes, and been the live or prerecorded announcer Voice of God (VoG) for The Professional Golfer's Association (PGA), The Pampered Chef, Southern Living at Home, The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges, Kroger, Polaris Amphitheatre and Lane Bryant. I've done many political commercials, from local and issues races all the way up to two US Presidential campaigns. I've also done a fair amount of work in video games...often playing the role of narrator, king, general, coach or other authority figure because of the more commanding tones in my voice. But "I'm game" to tackle most kinds of role playing and have done a lot of varied character work in recent years. I also have a great deal of telephony (on-hold messages, voice mail and IVR prompts) work under my belt, for company of all sizes. Also, extensive experience in eLearning for The US Dept of Defense, STMicroelectronics, Octapharma Plasma, Wendy's International, McGraw-Hill Publishing and many others.
My voice tends to have an authoritative tone, but is also quite accessible. I have an extensive range of character voices that I've developed over time.
In the following types of work:
Accents, Audio Book, Audiobook, Book Trailers, Broadcast, Business, Call to Action, Cartoon, Commercials, Donut, Donut Fills, Education, eLearning, Game Voices, Interactive Voice Response (IVR), Internet, Marketing, Movie Trailer, On-Hold Messages, Narrator, Product Intro, Promo, Radio, Tags, Telephony, Television, Video Game Voices, Videogames, Web Audio and Video
I take great pride in ensuring that my clients are downright impressed with my work on their behalf.
My training has been my decades of experience on projects of all sorts…being widely-read and aware of technology and world events. For example, I handle technical and media terminology, acronyms, model numbers and proprietary terminology with ease.
As a client, you can expect to receive high quality, pristine audio, delivered most commonly via web download in either MP3 or WAV formats. Other formats are also available as needed.
Voice overs are recorded within an ultra-quiet, acoustically-treated *Whisper Room* using a Sennheiser MKH416 for superb vocal sound.