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Christopher Platt
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Christopher Platt
warm, middle-aged, authoritative, friendly, smart
Last online17 years ago
Christopher Platt
warm, middle-aged, authoritative, friendly, smart
Last online17 years ago
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About Christopher
Member sinceMar 25, 2006
I have a crisp professional, authoritative sound for industrials, warm, deep, and accessible for narrations, anywhere from smooth-to-deep-and-gravelly for characters and dubbing
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Experience, training, and equipment
I've done phone prompts for Great Voice Co., industrials for podcast book narrations for Gotham Films, plus various character roles for film students' thesis videos. Mostly now I do audiobook recordings, where I do ALL the voices, and I'm working on a long-term project to record the entire fiction output (34 books) of one deceased author.
I trained in voice over work with Charles Michel, of the Voice Bank, and with Susan "Thank you for calling AT+T" Berkeley, of the Great Voice Co.
I also hosted a 2-hour, live, weekly radio talk show for 5 years, on the Radio America network, so I've spent hundreds of hours in front of a mic
In my day jobs, I have been a print journal editor for about 30 years. I've often used my editing skills to rescue a problematic voice script.
I have my own recording studio at home, a work in progress, and in its next upgrade will be using ProTools with an MBox2, cable modem connections and a mic that's wayyy toooo sensitive to work outside a soundproof booth (which I'm building now)