Wuzhi Lu is a voice actor located in Phoenix, AZ, USA. He has been actively working as a voice actor since 2000. He has worked for a diverse pool of clients and brands, such as Apple, BMW and Volvo. Listen to 8 voice over samples that showcase his best work.
- Highest level of accent-free Mandarin possible
- Award-winning National TV broadcaster
- 20+ years voiceover/narration experience
- Earned both broadcasting and journalism degrees
- 2009 Voicey Award winner for "Best Foreign Language Voice"
Wuzhi's accent-free Chinese suitable to use in any market that speaks Mandarin, China, Taiwan, S.E. Asia, and all overseas Mandarin markets.
What people are saying:
"My translator, during your recording, felt like she was watching a commercial in Taiwan, but elsewhere she could just as easily imagine you broadcasting in Hong Kong and China. She's a tough customer, and I take her recommendations very seriously, so I'm impressed with the results." Amanda C. Producer and editor from US
"I listened/added final production to your recording yesterday and have to say you have a superb voice and your studio sounds fantastic! I am extremely impressed with the service/quality you provide and am grateful for your help with this project. I produce hundreds of recordings each month and yours is definitely amongst the very best.” Alan C. Producer and CEO from UK
"Wuzhi is a amazing voiceover artist ! My client was extremely pleased, and thanked us immensely for helping make their Beijing presentation a great success. I am truly thankful to have found such an excellent resource for Chinese language work. Thank you for everything!!!" Karl T. Producer/lead editor, US Client