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Bryan Howard
This voice actor appears to be inactive and might not be responsive.
Bryan Howard
Conversational, male, guy next door, deep, authoritative, energetic, fun, laid back, excited, warm
Last online5 years ago
Bryan Howard
Conversational, male, guy next door, deep, authoritative, energetic, fun, laid back, excited, warm
Last online5 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 2:53 - Total samples: 8
Bryan D Howard-Commercial Demo (Authentic, Warm)
Bryan Howard - 0:59
Bryan D Howard-Friendly, Guy Next Door, Fun
Bryan Howard - 0:08
Bryan D Howard-Coach, Raspy, Authorive
Bryan Howard - 0:06
Bryan D Howard-Professional, Intellectual
Bryan Howard - 0:15
Bryan D Howard-Authentic, Calm, Believable
Bryan Howard - 0:10
Bryan D Howard-Attitude,Confident,Raspy
Bryan Howard - 0:06
Bryan D Howard-Energetic,Aggressive,Friendly
Bryan Howard - 0:07
Commercial Demo 2 - Guy Next Door, Conversational
Bryan Howard - 0:59
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About Bryan
Member sinceMar 7, 2017
LocationAtlanta, GA, USA (GMT -4)
If you're looking for a professional voice actor that will make your job easier and your project sound great, you've found him. Calm, friendly, heartfelt, upbeat, excited, powerful, aggressive, edgy, serious, confident, raspy, guy next door is just a few of the faces that Bryan can bring to any job.
If you need young adult Bryan has got you covered, middle aged (been there done that), Senior Male (not a problem).
Bryan is a great storyteller that will bring your project to life. And if you're in a pinch, he's available 24/7 with fast turnaround (usually the same day).
With a professional quality on-site studio, Bryan can work with you regardless of your location. His gift for strong character skills, and ability to take direction make him a very versatile voice actor. Bryan's clients love how easy it is to work with him. Whatever your voice-over needs may be, Bryan will make it happen!
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Atlanta, GA, USA
Experience, training, and equipment
My home studio is equipped with: MacBook Pro, Rode Nt1 condenser mic, Focusrite Scarlett 2i2, TwistedWave and the Kaotica eyeball.