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Brett Coleman
Brett Coleman
soft mans voice, love doing characters,
Last online5 months ago
Brett Coleman
soft mans voice, love doing characters,
Last online5 months ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 3:02 - Total samples: 5
Characters Brett Coleman
Brett Coleman - 1:08
Young father insurance cm
Brett Coleman - 0:31
The Lion Tamer
Brett Coleman - 0:18
Self Introduction
Brett Coleman - 0:28
Self Intro Japanese
Brett Coleman - 0:34
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About Brett
Member sinceNov 24, 2014
Warm/soft young or old mans voice, deeper gravely, silly characters, animated presentation voices, you name it, I'm sure I can give you what you are looking for.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Additional vocal abilities
I believe I can do most anything but here are some of my standards:
American English, Japanese English, comedic Asian accents, French, Old man voice, hillbilly, Indian, basically, you name it. some I would have to research but most all are within range.
Experience, training, and equipment
I've done several commercial voices here in Japan, in English and Japanese, All types of video game characters, voice overs for the Japanese prime ministers past for news TV, promotion video narrations, product explanations, Stage narration for several trade shows including "Communicasia" in Singapore and Hong Kong events.
Mostly self taught but took several acting courses at community college, Have a lot of experience on TV and Commercials, presentations, events, here in Asia.
(not so relevent) John Robert Powers modelling acting finishing school back in the day.
I have a sound room in my home with a multimix8 Alesis,
audio-technica 2020 MIC, ISK Reflexion filter, USB connection to my Audio software.
I'm an actor, I've been acting and modelling for the past few decades. I' am currently in children's shows nation wide here in Japan.