While I officially started my voiceoever career in 2010, I have been involved in music, voicing and production for over 15 years. I have done numerous narrations for musicals, plays, and theatrical works. I have also maintained a performance music ministry for over 15 years and have produced 3 studio albums of my own. Having had the experience with performance and music, I feel that I have the innate ability to emote and perform in doing voiceovers.
While I do not have formal training in voiceovers, I maintained a college career in musical performance as part of the Purdue Varsity Glee Club as a manager and featured soloist. For 12 years since then, I have performed, recorded, and produced my own music projects in my studio and now offer voiceover work.
Personal studio:
iMac w/ OSX Lion
Logic Studio (Logic Pro 9.0.2) and WaveBurner
Apogee Duet interface w/ Maestro2
Rode NT-1 Condenser mic
Shure SM7B Dynamic mic
KRK Rokit 5 monitors and Sony MDR pro headphones
Behringer Kenyx1202FX
I am also a licensed dentist and I produce video as part of my practice to inform patients of new and innovative aspects of dentistry. I love to use technology to verbalize and dictate information to people. Doing voiceovers is a wonderful expression of art, while also being an exact science that takes time to master. I have taken great care in learning this craft and I embrace and enjoy it immensely.