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Bob Rudy
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Bob Rudy
Serious, Fun, Crazy, Believable!
Last online7 years ago
Bob Rudy
Serious, Fun, Crazy, Believable!
Last online7 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 3:47 - Total samples: 5
Miss. York County
Bob Rudy - 0:35
Jazz in the City
Bob Rudy - 0:43
Laugermans Harley-Davidson
Bob Rudy - 1:02
SPCA Auction
Bob Rudy - 0:56
Bob Rudy - 0:29
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About Bob
Member sinceJan 15, 2010
LocationLancaster, PA, USA (GMT -4)
Warm for narrations, smooth and professional for presentations, fun for commercials, extreme for animation, memorable for training videos, serious for documentaries, excitable for Ebay and web sites, conversational for telephone on-hold messages, flexible for nearly any radio or television spot.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Lancaster, PA, USA
Additional vocal abilities
Ultra conservative redneck with a touch of the Old West. Friendly, conversational, trustworthy.
Experience, training, and equipment
Radio personality, having worked Morning Drive, Mid-Day, Afternoon Drive, Evenings, and Overnight at more than 16 stations in South-Central Pennsylvania.
Experience in VoiceOver grew with commercial production load during my career.
Began my career editing with tape, chalk stick and razer blade. It's so much easier with today's technology, computers and digital production...gotta love it!
36 years experience as a Professional Radio Broadcaster, having voiced and/or produced spots for every genre.
Bachelors degree in Humanities with a major in Communications from Penn State University.
Masters degree in Education with a major in Training and Development from Penn State University.
Experience with distance education and video teleconferencing equipment.
Electro Voice EV RE20 Dynamic Microphone Mic
Adobe Audition 3
Cool Edit Pro
If you are looking for a professional to handle the voice imaging for your organization, yet searching for a creative talent who's not afraid to think outside the box, give me a chance to audition for your project.