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Bob Olson
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Bob Olson
Damn Good Voiceover. Darn Nice Guy
Last online9 months ago
Response time3 hours
Bob Olson
Damn Good Voiceover. Darn Nice Guy
Response time3 hours
Last online9 months ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 5:11 - Total samples: 6
Bob Olson - 0:57
Narration Samples
Bob Olson - 1:02
Automotive 2019
Bob Olson - 0:46
Bob Olson - 0:45
Bob Olson - 0:36
Bob Olson - 1:04
Reviews (2)
3 years ago
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Exellent job!!!
4 years ago
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3 hoursmedian response timeresponse time
Median response time is calculated on responses in the last 6 months.
The average review rating will be calculated after 5 verified reviews.
2 Bookings in the last 12 months in the last year
This number only shows Bookings completed on Voice123. It might not be a complete reflection of the voice actor's work.
n/a booked this voice actorbooked
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About Bob
Member sinceAug 27, 2004
LocationLansing, MI, USA (GMT -4)
* Smooth, Professional and Friendly for any occassion
* Dramatic and Deep for Movie Trailers, TV Shows
* Informative and Dramatic for Narrations
* Gritty and Hard Sell for Concerts, car dealers
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Phone patch
Lansing, MI, USA
Experience, training, and equipment
Bob has been a voiceover pro since the Mid-90's and can get your projects turned around in as little as a couple hours if needed.
Working out of his professional home studio means he’s available at a moment’s notice to fire up the Telos Zephyr ISDN Codec to give producers and clients the exact read you need.
His versatile range has allowed him to lend his voice to a wide variety of Radio/TV Commercials to Corporate Narrations and E-Learning Courses to the voice that keeps your clients company while On-Hold.
You've heard his voice locally, nationally and around the world for clients like Disney, Rubbermaid, Oreck Vacuums, Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, Steak Umm, Motorolla, Wyeth/Pfizer and Briggs and Stratton.
Finished projects can be delivered via email, FTP site or on CD if needed.
Bob began his career as a radio announcer in 1989 and became a fulltime v/o pro in 1996. Never fear, the "announcer voice" can be disengaged to fit any commercial...or turned on if you need "Don Pardo"
Blue Kiwi microphone
Microtech Gefell UM-70 microphone
Avalon VT-737sp
Universal Audio LA-610 microphone preamp
Telos Zephyr 9202 ISDN Codec
Gentner SPH-3A Phone Hybrid
In the concert/record industry arena, trust Bob to voice and fully produce commercials for your event or concert. Some notables he has had the privilege to work on are tours for Alice In Chains, Shinedown, Buckcherry, Sevendust, Theory of a Deadman and Three Days Grace.
He has also produced spots promoting major CD releases for The Who, 3 Doors Down and Blackstone Cherry.