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Bob Edwards
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Bob Edwards
Professional Mature
Last online17 years ago
Bob Edwards
Professional Mature
Last online17 years ago
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About Bob
Member sinceJul 22, 2003
Mid-Western. Can do "Southern" accent very well.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Experience, training, and equipment
Over 30 years in professional broadcasting and voice overs.
Owner of ProsoundStudio - Houston, Texas. We do many on-hold and personal greeting messages, from small to large businesses. I record "image liners" for raio & TV and have recorded many commercials over the years including spots for Sears, Greyhound, Ford (& numerous other car dealers), Nylcare, and many others.
On-the-job. I have been a professional entertainer, VO person since 1972. Starting out with a part-time job in high school, to full-time overnights, to mid-days, to afternoon drive, to morning drive-time. I spent many years in a management position working as either Operations Manager, Asst. PD or Program Director. Some of the major broadcast companys I have worked for as an on-air talent include, American Broadcasting Company - ABC, Lynn Broadcasting, First Media Corp., Cook Inlet Corp, Sonderling Brodcasting.
Also specialize in training films for government agency.