Young mother for Carolina Rice, Trailer for Lassie, the movie-walmart, target, narrative on Jane Pitman, Harveytoons, Rudolph and Frost Christmas set, Rocky and Bowinke dvd set, live work for Sports Extreme at Shea stadium live spokesperson for auto industry, boat industry, NASB show, host of exercise and companion animal live shows..
Booked my first voice over from doing live spokesperson work-that led to another for the same company-Did an off- broadway show, and auditioned for director, who also produces voiceovers for various clients-have continued to work for them, whenever I am lucky enough to be right for a job :)
Took one voice over class in the city, to learn the business end..Theatre/Communications at High Point College NC, and classes in theatre
Roundabout theatre, Atlantic theatre company, Manhattan Class company, HB studios.
Have been working as a spokesperson/host for over 10 years..
I am not well in formed on audio engineering-usually go to the studios directly--own a car-can drive to studios in the northeast-don't mind travel at all.
Spokesperson for various products for over 10 years..Fields include,health, cartoons, and other live conventions: some include: dermatology, auto,boats, beer, wine, pets, endangered species,medical, food, computers, sports, etc..