Vocal Tones - Regular, relatable next-door neighbor. Sort of guy everybody likes to talk to at work or at a party. Intelligent. Informative. Laid-back. Professorial. Authoritative. Gentle. Empathetic. Humorous. Dry wit. Sarcastic. Great Comedic Timing. Dark. Sinister. Storyteller.
Sound like Mr. Rogers, Sam Elliott, Harrison Ford, John Wayne, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ronald Regan, Jeremy Irons, Wilson from Home Improvement.
A Native American registered member of the Choctaw Nation.
Started off with paper route as kid, worked as public radio station broadcaster and PSA writer/producer in college, then bartending to car sales to managing large law firm document processing center to massage therapist to dog trainer to real estate sales to desert outdoor Jeep naturalist tour guide. Literal Jack of all trades.
Bachelor of Science Degree in Theatre Tech (set design, sound and lighting design).
Written several books and articles ranging from a dual biography of Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis to how-to determine if/when/and what Electric Vehicle might be right for you.
Contact Info: augustinstucker@gmail.com, 561-504-7662, Facebook Augustin Stucker
Home recording studio with a Synco D2 boom microphone and a Focusrite Scarlet Solo interface.