Ashley Cheynelle is a voice actor located in Atlanta, GA, USA. She has been actively working as a voice actor since 2021. Listen to 1 voice over samples that showcase her best work.
Ashley is a voice over talent from NYC, having received training from Atlanta Voice Over Studio in Atlanta, GA. With over 2 years of general coaching and training, she takes direction very well and is looking to collaberate with you on your next project.
Ashley's voice has been described as friendly, warm, sultry, sexy, intimate, soft-spoken, young, luxurious, caring, encouraging, playful, raspy, trustworthy, breathy, airy, sweet, nostalgic, soft, gentle, goddess, zen, relatable, genuine, skincare, makeup, conversational, approachable, calming, mature, smooth, romantic, relaxing, real, casual, natural, flat, monotone, proper, motherly, youthful, engaging, fun, luxury, sympathetic, monotone, inspirational, goddess-like, dreamy, trustworthy, motivational, thoughtful, formal, positive, passionate, reliable, articulate, broadcast, television, narrator, education, business, eLearning, deep, confidence, intelligent, educated, knowledgeable, hopeful, well-spoken, and unique.