April Zesbaugh is a voice actor located in Las Vegas, NV, USA. She has been actively working as a voice actor since 2000. She has worked for a diverse pool of clients and brands, such as Infiniti, BioTe and Ductworks. Listen to 9 voice over samples that showcase her best work.
April Zesbaugh is the former host of a morning news show in a top-20 market. Her voice is professional, trust-worthy and endearing. She spent 20 years delivering live and recorded testimonials for clients ranging from car sales to cosmetic dentistry including Infiniti, Land Rover, Purina, Vermont Teddy Bear Co, Invisalign, Vail Resorts, Sunflower Bank, Zero Rez carpet care and many more. April is the voice and on-camera talent for corporate videos and event hosting for organizations such as Susan G. Komen, Avon cosmetics, Colorado Dept. of Transportation, BioTe, Cat Care Society, etc.