Anne Cloud is a voice actor located in Asheville, NC, USA. She has been actively working as a voice actor since 2019. She has worked for a diverse pool of clients and brands, such as Doctors Without Borders, Aetna and Kia. Listen to 221 voice over samples that showcase her best work.
In both my acting and my life, I lead with my heart. My goal is for you to feel this heartfelt approach in every project we undertake and experience it in every interaction we share. I'm a versatile voice talent who will bring a natural and authentic sound to your project - Corporate, Commercials, Promos, Animation, Political, Radio Imaging, Video Games and more.
Reach out to me directly at
Every day is an adventure. That’s how I like it. As a full-time voice actor I have the joy of taking the letters on a page and breathing life into them. Storytelling. It’s magic and it lights my heart on fire each time. I absolutely love connecting with my clients
upbeat, friendly, conversational
inspiring, adventurous
cool, textured, natural
welcoming, warm, authentic
gritty, confident, empowered
current, casual
Amy Adams
Ellie Kemper
Anna Kendrick
Jennifer Lawrence
Rashida Jones
▶Broadcast quality studio with Source-Connect
▶Instagram: @annecloud.ourgypsyspirit
▶Management: Celia Siegle Management,
-Kukui'ula, Kaua'i *Viddy Platinum Award Winner 2022*
-Indie 102.3 Colorado Public Radio *SOVAS Award Nomination 2022*
-MdBy *OneVoice Award Nomination 2023*
-Hyatt Regency
-KPNW Seattle Radio
-Delta Dental
-Khan Academy
-The Metropolitan Museum of Art
-Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
-Fisher Price
-Red Cross
>“I absolutely loved producing you! I really hope that we can work together again in the future. If you pulled this off in a self directed session, I can’t imagine what you are capable of when directed. You literally brought this script to life!”
>“Anne is phenomenal. I fell in love with her voice and the way she told the story for this company. Her enunciation, the subtle joy & passion in her voice, her overall quality and professionalism. I cannot recommend her enough.”
>"We had several last minute edits to our script and Anne was very ACCOMMODATING and PATIENT working through the changes."
>"Anne was very PROMPT with email responses and delivered files within an hour of our recording."
>“amazingly directable,” “a pleasure to work with,” “an incredible talent.”