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Angus King
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Angus King
Scottish vocal tones, Well Paced, Assured, Fresh
Last online3 years ago
Angus King
Scottish vocal tones, Well Paced, Assured, Fresh
Last online3 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 30:57 - Total samples: 9
Commercial Reel
Angus King - 1:27
Narrative Reel
Angus King - 1:58
Gaming Reel
Angus King - 2:17
Animation Reel
Angus King - 1:41
Extract from Frankie Boyle's Scotland's Jesus
Angus King - 2:17
Conversations with Paul McCartney by Paul Du Noyer
Angus King - 3:41
How the Rich Men Burned by Malcolm Mackay (Crime)
Angus King - 4:29
The Letters of Ivor Punch (Fiction)
Angus King - 8:44
The Unders by Commander Jameson
Angus King - 4:21
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About Angus
Member sinceApr 4, 2011
LocationLondon, UK (GMT +1)
My voice is warm, friendly and re-assuring for straight narration and is well suited for corporate clients. Previous clients include Tesco, BP, First Secure Trust and Axa.
My voice is fun and light for adverts and acting projects. I have great comic timing so am a good fit for most projects.
Nominated for 2 awards at the 2018 One Voice Awards: Best Male VO and Best Factual Audiobook narration.
Skills and services offered
English - Scotland
English - British
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Jobs for these unions signatories
British Equity
Recording and delivery options
On-site recording
London, UK
Additional vocal abilities
Scots (Native), German, Northern Irish, Northern England, RP
Experience, training, and equipment
High St Dreams and Desperately Seeking Doctors (BBC Scotland trailers)
Axa - Elevate (442 South)
Scottish Referendum Campaign with Gordon Brown, Silverfish Media
Scottish Labour election campaign, Silverfish Media
Traffic Scotland, Launch Video (Voytek Films)
Scotland's Jesus, Work! Consume! Die! & My Sh#t Life So Far by Frankie Boyle (Harper Collins Audio); The Necessary Death of Lewis Winter, How a Gunman Says Goodbye, A Sudden Arrival of Violence by Malcolm MacKay (Pan MacMillan); The Hanging Shed, Bitter Water, Pilgrim Soul by Gordon Ferris & Funeral Note by Quintine Jardine (ISIS Publishing); Bedlam by Christopher Brookmyre (Heavy Entertainment & Whole Story Audio); Halfhead by Stuart MacBride, Blindside by G J MoffatSpace Ace by Eric Brown, The Mystery of the Whistling Caves by Helen Moss (Oakhill)
Zaar, Shadows: Heretic Kingdom (Gamesoft)
Sergeant, Assassin's Creed Chronicles, Pit Stop Productions
Various (Mocap), Star Citizen, Imaginarium Studios
Pilot in War Thunder (High Score Productions)
Joe (Dad),Off Grid, Semaeophus (Indie)
Various Characters, Crimson Field (BBC), Dr Who (BBC)
ADR Acting from Louis Elman Academy (Warner Bros De Lane Lea Studios)
BA Professional Acting - Bristol Old Vic Theatre School
Voiceover Training Jean-Paul Orr
ADR Acting from Louis Elman Academy (Warner Bros De Lane Lea Studios)
Voices for Gaming with Gravy for the Brain
Am willing to travel to relevant studio in London or throughout the UK as necessary.
I am a very experienced VO and have a background as a trained actor so take direction well and have a great range of characters and vocal skills.
I have worked extensively in audiobooks (Over 40 and counting including, crime, thriller, childrens, sci-fi, biography, comedy and much more), I have narrated political adverts (Labour party, UK), Corporate Narrations (Axa, Tesco, BP, Traffic Scotland and more).
I have appeared in several games such as Divinity: Original Sin 2, Bravo Team, Star Citizen, Assassin's Creed Chronicles, Shadows: Heretic Kingdom, War Thunder and the indie Off Grid.
I have recorded trailers for BBC, worked in ADR (BBC Crimson Field) and several radio drama titles.
I am happy to prepare a bespoke audition for you on my phone if you would like to hear me work with your script.