Andrew Ward is a voice actor located in Charlotte, NC, USA. He has worked for a diverse pool of clients and brands, such as AAA, Savage Snacks and Woodford Reserve Bourbon. Listen to his voice over samples that showcase his best work.
Believable, human, friendly and warm are how most client’s describe Andrew's voice. Friendly, Conversational, Believable, Professional, Confident, Informative, Authoritative, Animated, Upbeat, Corporate, Sincere, Powerful, Energetic, and Relatable are also accurate descriptions of what Andrew will bring to the table.
Andrew is the trusted voice of clients worldwide and has voiced it all from commercial, animation, corporate narration, and promo.
He is committed to bringing the best audio quality and service to his clients as possible and fast and strives to build lasting business relationships
Every project is an opportunity to grow, learn, and connect with audiences on a profound level. Andrew's goal is to deliver a voice over performance that will engage your audience by making the material relatable, fun and easy to listen to, seamlessly building that connection with the listener. More importantly, Andrew aims to make your job easier and share in your successes together!
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