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Amy Schwartz
Amy Schwartz
Upbeat, Bubbly, Girl Next Door, Caring, Sweet
Last online6 days ago
Amy Schwartz
Upbeat, Bubbly, Girl Next Door, Caring, Sweet
Last online6 days ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 1:38 - Total samples: 2
Amy Schwartz Commercial Demo
Amy Schwartz - 1:27
Amy Schwartz IVR Demo
Amy Schwartz - 0:11
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About Amy
Member sinceOct 4, 2012
LocationLos Angeles, CA, USA (GMT -7)
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Female young adult
Female teenager
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Remote live direction
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Experience, training, and equipment
Past Projects Include:
MOOSE ENTERTAINMENT: Announcer for three national ZELFS television commercials
DISNEY: Announcer for Disney College Program Pandora radio commercial
RED BULL: Narrator for internal company video
GREAT WOLF LODGE: Voiced two princess characters for animated MagiQuest
LERNER CORPORATION: Announcer for four regional "Back To School" radio commercials for Dulles Town Center Mall
MEGA BLOKS: Announcer for web-based video commercial for the toy "Billy Beats Piano"
ALMON FUNERAL HOME: Announcer for local radio commercial
BUILD-A-BEAR WORKSHOP: Announcer for two national television commercials, "Smurfs 2" and "My Little Pony"
UMACHKA: Voiced 25 web-based English language learning videos for children
ALLEN INTERACTIVE: Voiced three teen characters for e-learning relationship course for teens
Voice Over Technique & Lab, Rick Zieff, Los Angeles
On Camera Acting Audition Technique & Lab, Karen Storms, Los Angeles
BA Theater Performance, Minor in Music
Equipment and Recording;
In my home studio, I am equipped with an Apogee MiC microphone. I use a Nady MPF-6 Pop Filter and Audio-Technica ATH-M30 professional monitor headphones.
I also have easy access to a local studio where I can record and deliver using ISDN, as well as the other listed recording and delivery capabilities.