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Adam Goins
Adam Goins(he/him)
Warm, likeable, everyday guy, narrative, dramatic
Last online17 days ago
Adam Goins(he/him)
Warm, likeable, everyday guy, narrative, dramatic
Last online17 days ago
Playlists (2)
All my samples
Duration: 3:00 - Total samples: 2
Adam Goins VO Demo reel
Adam Goins - 0:49
Adam Goins Baritone Reel
Adam Goins - 2:11
Narration and Conversational Montage
Duration: 1:22 - Total samples: 1
Narration and conversational montage
Adam Goins - 1:22
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About Adam
Member sinceMay 14, 2011
LocationLos Angeles, CA, USA (GMT -7)
Adam Goins is a voice actor located in Los Angeles, CA, USA. He has been actively working as a voice actor since 2024. Listen to 3 voice over samples that showcase his best work.
Deep and warm for narrations, professional and confident for presentations. Reassuring for Fair Balance.
Professional Baritone/Bass singer capable of singing across multiple genres..
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male young adult
Male adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Music production
Special effects
Mixing and mastering
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Additional vocal abilities
Experience, training, and equipment
I've recorded voiceovers for Broadcast Promos and Internal Marketing Presentations. My voice lends itself to warm announcer, father figure, trusted friend, instructional guide, and jingle singer.
BA from Brown University in Music
VO Workshop with Maggie Phillips of The Voice Over Gym
Member of the Joe Zieja Voice Actor Academy
Professional classical baritone singer, having performed at Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall and other various venues.
I've been a post production producer for 20 years, and I know what clients want. I've sat on the other side of the voiceover session and know how to make the process as easy as possible.
Pro Tools Studio
NT1 Mic
Live direction via Zoom, Phone or other web-enabled communication platforms.