Maurice A. Scott is a voice actor located in Washington, DC, USA. He has been actively working as a voice actor since 2016. Listen to 6 voice over samples that showcase his best work. | Source Connect: mauricescottVO |
Earnest, with an edge, African American male voice talent – Maurice Scott – has a tender sound that will tempt anyone to lean in and listen to what he has to say. His voice has a low register (think James Earl Jones, Barry White, Morgan Freeman) that’s commanding, yet also calming. It’s a sound truly representative of Maurice: warm, interesting, and always authentic.
While from a young age he has always had an innate curiosity around the arts, Maurice didn’t necessarily go looking to work in voiceover. His first dive into the industry came in 1994 while working for a PR firm in Washington D.C. based in sales for radio advertisements.
Maurice’s voice would instantly draw clients in; they would often ask him to not only sell them the ad slots, but to voice their campaigns as well. Maurice then found himself the voice of multiple political organizations, as well as voicing commercial for the likes of Rubbermaid and others, and he truly fell in love with the work.
After leaving the PR firm to pursue other career opportunities, Maurice lost his voiceover opportunity pipeline; however, he has made a point to intentionally return to voiceover because it perfectly suits his calling to share information, and to expose people to new ideas, concepts, and experiences. He’s learned with multiple professional coaches and colleagues, and perfected a sound ready for commercial, e-Learning, narration, political, PSAs, promos, trailers and beyond.
Maurice is a native and current resident of Washington D.C. He works from his broadcast quality home studio that’s equipped with Sennheiser MKH 416 microphone, Universal Arrow audio interface, Source Connect Standard, and a Twisted Wave DAW.
Apart from voiceover, Maurice is an art collector and avid photographer, and has even had his photos published in numerous magazines and books. He loves to travel and learn about different people and cultures, too. As if all those hobbies weren’t enough, Maurice has also returned to his childhood love of the arts, and is once again playing the piano and taking vocal lessons to develop his musical abilities. He’s as passionate about life in general as he is his voiceover work.
All the charm of a wholehearted gentleman with an intriguing edge to match–Maurice Scott is the voice to tantalize and warm the hearts of your audience.