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Trenton Bennett
Trenton Bennett
Clear General American male voice with broad vocal range
Last online3 months ago
Trenton Bennett
Clear General American male voice with broad vocal range
Last online3 months ago
Playlists (6)
Duration: 1:31 - Total samples: 1
Voice Menu - Kforce
Trenton Bennett - 1:31
Duration: 18:26 - Total samples: 4
Military adventure, first-person, multiple characters
Trenton Bennett - 3:53
Comedy: Satire, Stage
Trenton Bennett - 5:00
Romance, Single Narrator, Third-Person
Trenton Bennett - 4:59
Children's Book, Poetry, Whimsical
Trenton Bennett - 4:32
Descriptive Audio
Duration: 0:29 - Total samples: 1
Animation & Video Games
Duration: 1:12 - Total samples: 1
Medical Narration
Duration: 1:49 - Total samples: 1
Traning and E-Learning
Duration: 1:56 - Total samples: 1
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About Trenton
Member sinceJun 15, 2018
LocationTampa, FL, USA (GMT -4)
Trenton Bennett is a voice actor located in Tampa, FL, USA. He has been actively working as a voice actor since 2017. He has worked for a diverse pool of clients and brands, such as Pelican Book Group, Robert G. Williscroft and Kforce Professional Staffing. Listen to 9 voice over samples that showcase his best work.
Clear and measured for learning materials, Firm and confident for 'voice of authority' spots, laid back for casual/funny commercials, smooth and exciting for luxury reads, warm and rich for audiobook narrations including distinctive character voices. Graduate, ACX Master Class, VO, and coached by top industry professionals
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Phone patch
Remote live direction
Tampa, FL, USA
Additional vocal abilities
General American, American Southern (Texas, Kentucky), French, distinct voice characterizations, ability to train on specific accents for audiobook / long-form narration, wide vocal range for childlike voices, cartoon, video game characters.
Experience, training, and equipment
Commercial VO, audiobooks, IVR recordings, Training, Medical Narration. Co-host "Classic Rock Battles: The Limey & the Yank" podcast. Host, "Digital Crypto Art" podcast.
Trained graduate of: the VO Heroes Curriculum (38 courses); ACX Master Class; The Accents Class (; "CameraReadyU", Audition-Ready Audio (Tim Tippets), StudioOne (Don Baarns)
Coached by: David H. Lawrence XVII, J. Rodney Turner, Tawny Platis, Johnny Heller, Sean Pratt, J.P. Karliak, Marc Silk, Anne Ganguzza, Dianna Conley.
Home Studio built in consultation with George "The Tech" Whittam. -70-75dB noise floor; Surface, Apple, Audio-Technica, Neumann, Steinberg, Fredenstein, PreSonus, Shure, Yamaha equipment. In-home recording space and production suite.
High degree of technology skill, Certified Project Manager with the rigor and professional discipline to closely manage projects.