Duke Medical Voice Over, Battlefield Friends Animated Series - Girl Gamer, The Action Faction Animated Series (principal) by Hank and Jed, Harrington Bank, Color Brite Carpet Cleaning, University Florist, High and Rubish Insurance, WB Yates Irish Pub, WCHL, Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America, Carolina Theatre of Durham, Durham Performing Arts Center, WTVD, LG Touch
In my personal studio, I have a MXL990 mic, with a direct mix mixer, a nady systems smps-1 condenser microphone phantom power supply. I also have direct access to a recording studio with full mixing capabilities as well as background music options.
Quick wit and the ability to improvise goes a long way in this business. It's a good thing that I've found a profession that perfectionism is a plus. That being said, I am highly professional and passionate about creating an excellent product.
I am a practiced public speaker, so my diction is outstanding even in a packed room. Years on the stage have also prepared me to breathe well and project my voice.
Over the past six years, I have been the featured voice on WTVD ABC 11 for over 40 various commercials, have been a guest performer on WCHL with over 15 recorded spots for the station, and am one of the featured narrators for internal training for the LG line of phones.