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Tom Fridley
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Tom Fridley
Warm, rich, bright, friendly and trustworthy
Last online9 years ago
Tom Fridley
Warm, rich, bright, friendly and trustworthy
Last online9 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 14:59 - Total samples: 16
Tom Fridley - 0:56
Commercial Lite
Tom Fridley - 0:58
Tom Fridley - 0:58
Tom Fridley - 0:57
Music Concerts
Tom Fridley - 0:54
Tom Fridley - 0:57
Tom Fridley - 0:58
Mainstream Radio Imaging
Tom Fridley - 0:55
Rock Radio Imaging
Tom Fridley - 0:57
On Hold Message
Tom Fridley - 0:39
Tom Fridley - 0:57
Sports Announcer
Tom Fridley - 0:57
Tom Fridley - 0:57
Tom Fridley - 0:56
Tom Fridley - 0:57
TV and Movie Trailer
Tom Fridley - 0:56
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About Tom
Member sinceFeb 20, 2008
My voice is most often described as warm, friendly, sincere, trustworthy and authoritative. I am up and bright, but can deliver serious and heartfelt moods. I enjoy telling a story with a script and making the words come alive.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
Keith Jackson type football announcer. British and Irish accents.
Experience, training, and equipment
Hundreds of voiceovers, promos and commercials for radio and TV, including concerts, pro sports, auto dealers, restaurants, film, corporate and church videos. A radio and television pro since 1982 in Chicago, Dallas, Minneapolis, Pittsburgh and other markets.
30 years of radio and TV experience, a Bachelor of Science degree in Media Communicaitons, and two years of voice lessons.
Professional radio production studio weekdays 9 - 6pm eastern, home studio nights and weekends.
Sure KSM 32 mic, Mackie Onyx Satellite interface/mixer and DBX 286a mic preamp/processor, Adobe Audition editing program.
I am a singer-songwriter and guitarist, have acting/modeling experience, play multiple sports and speak the music and sporting languages fluently.