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Sophisticated, professional, lyrical, witty, warm
Last online22 hours ago
Response time2 hours
Sophisticated, professional, lyrical, witty, warm
Response time2 hours
Last online22 hours ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 11:48 - Total samples: 6
What Can I Do
TAMIR - 2:13
Hill of Evil Counsel
TAMIR - 3:13
TAMIR - 2:38
The Book of Words - bi-lingual
TAMIR - 1:47
Hebrew samples
TAMIR - 0:33
TAMIR - 1:21
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2 hoursmedian response timeresponse time
Median response time is calculated on responses in the last 6 months.
The average review rating will be calculated after 5 verified reviews.
14 clientsfavorited this profilefavorites
Member sinceFeb 11, 2011
Narration - sophisticated, professional, classy, warm, witty
Children's books - musical, friendly, pleasing
Presentations and industrials - professional, clear, smooth
Poetry and complicated texts- understandable, on target, intelligent, smooth
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Jobs for these unions signatories
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
French, Israeli, Arabic, Russian, British
Experience, training, and equipment
Baltasar and Blimunda by Jose Saramago - Audible
Educational narration classics, poetry and short stories - StudaySync, BookHeadEd
Over twenty-five books for MacGraw Hill, Northstar Publishing, Jewish Braille Institute;
Fiction/non-fiction/poetry, education, children's books and plays
Bausch & Lomb; T-Fal cookware, 3rd Wave Media, Phone Prompts - InterWorld Translations
actress - NPR/WNYC, announcer and reader - KQED and KNAI
Equine Shampoo, Office of Tourism/"Whatever"
"The Way of the Heart" poetry of Rumi also performed live with Persian and world musicians;
"Poetry On Prayer", "Soul of Love" poetry of Urdu Academy Award winner Sant Darshan Singh. Three one-woman shows in addition to numerous onstage productions.
Actress trained with Ada Brown Mather, NYC; ACT, S.F.; Wynn Handman, NYC
Voiceover: Edith Skinner, Bob Collier, Robin Miles, Kate Fitzmorris
Graduate of Rubin Music Academy
Two MA's: Playwriting/directing and TESOL (teaching English as a second language, my thesis was about accent reduction)
Blue bird mike,
Apogee One interface,
Twisted Wave application
I am a certified Iyengar Yoga instructor and have taught at Columbia University for 18 years.
I am a gourmet vegetarian chef with extensive knowledge of macrobiotic and vegan raw food.
Graduate of Rubin Academy of music and dance, sang in many choirs and read music.
I have extensive experience with dogs and cats especially German Shepherds.
I speak Hebrew fluently, have adapted several books for the stage, have two MA's - in play-wrighting/directing and TESOL - teaching English as a second language, which I taught at Baruch College.
I was a dancer for many years as well as Masters swimmer.
I write short stories and poetry.