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Stuart Allen
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Stuart Allen
mature, wry, positive, guy next door
Last online10 years ago
Stuart Allen
mature, wry, positive, guy next door
Last online10 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 8:11 - Total samples: 8
The Doers
Stuart Allen - 0:30
Stuart Allen - 0:30
Lockheed Martin demo
Stuart Allen - 2:36
charter telephone
Stuart Allen - 1:02
U of Mich Grad Program
Stuart Allen - 0:59
Paul Harvey Impersonation
Stuart Allen - 1:01
Krispy Kreme
Stuart Allen - 0:30
McLaren Open House
Stuart Allen - 1:00
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About Stuart
Member sinceDec 17, 2012
warm and resonant, over the top for hard-sell commercials, smooth and professional for presentations and commercials, wry and humorous for commercials and other applications. I am personable, believable and likable.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
blessed with neutral midwestern accent, can also do Canadian, Southern, Hippie, Old, Young, Middle age, Deep and Ballsy, Mellow,Upbeat. Can do Bullwinkle, Yogi Bear, and Louis Armstrong.
Experience, training, and equipment
As a 30-year veteran of radio, I have used my voice for many purposes. Most involve selling something in creative ways. I have been a paid spokesperson for McDonald's, Charter Communications, Outback Steakhouse, Baker College, and HBO. Many of these were "storytelling" pieces that I wrote and voiced. I have voiced regional and local radio and TV for Subway, Flooring America, and the University of Michigan. I also have some experience doing voice work for audio tours at the Flint Institute of Arts, disaster readiness videos for the state of Illinois, and more car dealer commercials than you can fit in the back of Billy Bob's old pickup truck. The rest of my story is still being written, and I hope to include you in the coming chapters.
B.S. in Marketing from Ferris State University 1986
30+ years experience in radio, with plenty of time spent writing, producing and voicing commercial advertisements.
Many years of working with local and regional ad agencies to deliver radio and television spots that work.
I have a basic, functional home studio with Pro-Tools on my computer and a Eurorack MX1604A mixer. Shure microphone PG58.
30+ years of broadcasting experience doing a daily radio show. Hundreds of live appearances. 12 years of substitute teaching experience. Leader of marathon/ultramarathon training group. Publisher of weekly running newsletter.