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Stacey Englehart
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Stacey Englehart
Friendly and sweet or sassy and sexy upon request
Last online17 years ago
Stacey Englehart
Friendly and sweet or sassy and sexy upon request
Last online17 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 1:05 - Total samples: 1
Stacey Englehart - 1:05
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About Stacey
Member sinceOct 8, 2005
I have the ability to adapt my voice to almost any sound you're looking for. Happy and full of excitement or sexy, sassy and sultry I can sound like a child, teen or older woman. I am also fluent in french announcing as well as english.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Female young adult
Female teenager
Experience, training, and equipment
I've been in radio for over 12 years, news reading and writing, announcing on air, producing commercials, announcing for national radio shows and emceeing events like the 2003 Canada Winter Games. I've done voice over work for websites, phone messages, and freelance commercials for other radio stations.
I obtained my degree in Communication Arts, specialising in radio and television announcing as well as newswriting and copywriting.
I've worked as an announcer for radio stations since 1993, starting out at the bottom quickly moving my way up to the morning show and now a major market morning show in Ontario. My charisma and whit shines through my voice making it sound inviting to male and female listeners.