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Sophie Chen
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Sophie Chen
Sweet, Curious, Light, Sing-Song
Last online4 years ago
Sophie Chen
Sweet, Curious, Light, Sing-Song
Last online4 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 3:18 - Total samples: 9
Accent Reel
Sophie Chen - 0:31
Eske ou te pran vaksen?
Sophie Chen - 0:11
Song: Betty Botter Tongue Twister
Sophie Chen - 0:14
Monologue: Teenaged Girl on Melancholy
Sophie Chen - 0:59
Female, High-Pitched, Educational: Chinese and English
Sophie Chen - 0:13
Female, Japanese
Sophie Chen - 0:09
Adult Female with lower pitch - Mandarin Chinese
Sophie Chen - 0:14
Théâtre: Une femme - Triste
Sophie Chen - 0:16
Monologue: Middle-Aged Woman on Technology
Sophie Chen - 0:28
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About Sophie
Member sinceJun 8, 2012
LocationClinton, NJ 08809, USA (GMT -4)
Narrations: Lively and Empathetic. Often creeps into earnest sentimentality.
Characters: As directed or as given character bio/description seems to imply.
I have worked on educational projects, providing the audio of the textbook readings and conversations, for a nursing course. My video game voice-overs have been limited to fanmade modules thus far. I have also provided voice-overs for answering machine messages and short films. Additionally, I hosted my own classical music radio show on my university's radio station. I described the pieces, occasionally providing my own translations of the foreign lyrics or the music itself, to expose listeners to classical music with explanations for accessibility. I have background in musical theatre and opera.
I use Audacity or Adobe Soundbooth for recording and editing. The area in which I record has material for absorbing what would have been echoes. A windscreen is used to decrease "pops" and serve as an additional filter for sound before it hits the microphone. I use an Isolation Shield to help eliminate other sounds.