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Sheryl Bernstein
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Sheryl Bernstein
Smooth Energetic Warm Motherly Fun TrustworthyReal
Last online3 years ago
Sheryl Bernstein
Smooth Energetic Warm Motherly Fun TrustworthyReal
Last online3 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 8:20 - Total samples: 7
Bend is Home
Sheryl Bernstein - 0:32
BigIron Realty 30-Second Commercial
Sheryl Bernstein - 0:41
Photo Printer Promo
Sheryl Bernstein - 1:12
Tech Watch
Sheryl Bernstein - 0:28
Sheryls Commercial Demo
Sheryl Bernstein - 2:04
Sheryl Bernstein Narration
Sheryl Bernstein - 2:08
Sheryl Bernstein Promo-Trailer
Sheryl Bernstein - 1:11
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About Sheryl
Member sinceOct 6, 2008
Warm, trustworthy, smooth, can be serious and spokes-y, or fun and quirky.
And I'm experienced at voiceover and getting the job done right.
I have a variety of sounds and I get the job done.
Warm, Medium Range, Caring, Professional, Clean for Narrations.
Fun and Sparkly for commercials, or Real for commercials.
Smooth and Professional for Presentations, Narrations and Informercials.
Can be Soft or Powerful, Real Person or Smooth and Polished.
I can also write and rewrite if needed.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female senior
Female adult
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Music production
Special effects
Jobs for these unions signatories
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Phone patch
Additional vocal abilities
New York, Russian, Fortune Teller, Grandma, Yiddish, Royal, British (Comical or Royal), Indistinguishable European Perfume Ad. Impressionas: Joan Rivers, Carol Channing, Betty Davis, Katherine Hepburn,
Experience, training, and equipment
I've voiced hundreds of commercials for Radio and TV, Narrations, Animation, Games, Industrials, Promos, Trailers, Voice Matches, Phone Systems, pretty much Anything that needs a voice. Been in the biz in L.A. since 1980...back East voicing, writing and producing before that. Also work as a producer and director. Have budgeted, organized, cast, produced and directed large projects for eductional companies, with casts of 5-10, both adult and children actors.
Spent one year on the air as one half of a 2 woman morning drive talk team in L.A..."Keri and Sheryl on the Wave." I love to work, am precise, on time, and fun!
I can sell, or be low key, smooth, real, fun or serious.
I'd love to help you with your project.
I have a B.S. in Art Eduction and many years of life experience.
I've been a Production Director for WKBW Radio in Buffalo New York.
On the air at KTWV in L.A.
Spent several years in Stand Up at the Los Angeles Comedy Store and the improv.
Have written, produced, cast, directed and voiced.
I am loyal, resposible and I do what I say I will do.
I have a simple home studio with Pro Tools and editing capabilities.
I also have a friend with a wonderful big time professional studio wtih ISDN, phone patch, whatever you may need!
Can provide mp3 or wav files....or post to ftp.
I've been a Production Director for WKBW Radio in Buffalo New York.
On the air at KTWV in L.A.
Spent several years in Stand Up at the Comedy Store and the improv.
Have done TV and a films.
Have written, produced, cast, directed and voiced all sorts of audio projects.
GREAT timing.
I don't sweat the small stuff, am loyal, responsible and I do what I say I will do.
Experienced, happy to work, like people, and I enjoy the process.