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Sean McLean
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Sean McLean
Male, Cartoon/video game characters, narrator
Last online16 years ago
Sean McLean
Male, Cartoon/video game characters, narrator
Last online16 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 5:00 - Total samples: 6
Alien Abductee - Fear
Sean McLean - 0:59
Friendly New York Cabbie
Sean McLean - 0:43
Serial Killer
Sean McLean - 1:00
Evil Sorceror
Sean McLean - 0:59
DJ Johnny Hipster
Sean McLean - 0:28
Little Boy Tells a Story
Sean McLean - 0:48
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About Sean
Member sinceMay 4, 2004
English - Dramatic, comedic, eccentric character actor for cartoons, audio dramas or video games. A pleasant and different narrator for voiceovers, audio books and industrial projects.
Listen to my demos to hear what I can do for you!
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Experience, training, and equipment
Just breaking into the industry, wide variety of personal, some professional experience.
Community Programming Director for a small town cable station for 2 years, did much voice-over and and narration for local video programs.
Produced and starred in several "mock" radio shows, parodying the talk show style.
Provided narration and character voices for a wide variety of local independant video productions and audio plays.
Learned through experience.
Musician - currently involved in a solo music project and a collaborative experimental project. Experience with sound recording and editing from work with these projects.
Videographer - Over 20 years experience with video production, including traditional tape-to-tape methods and non-linear editing.