Great actress, very fast turnover time! Would absolutely recommend :)
Top 30%of voice actors
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17 minutesmedian response timeresponse time
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The average review rating will be calculated after 5 verified reviews.
8 Bookings6 in the last 12 months6 in the last year
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4 clientsbooked this voice actorbooked
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About Sandra
Member sinceNov 16, 2015
LocationOrlando, FL, USA (GMT -4)
Sandra Osborne is a voice actor located in Orlando, FL, USA. She has been actively working as a voice actor since 2010. She has worked for a diverse pool of clients and brands, such as Nintendo, Netflix and Amazon. Listen to 19 voice over samples that showcase her best work.
"Sandra is a GREAT voice talent. She just gets it. She sees the script and she knows where the inflections need to be. When to pause. As a writer, you hear a voice in your head as you write a script. When Sandra reads your's that voice. She just nails it. Every time."
- Fechtor Advertising
Warm, optimistic, and reassuring or bubbly, fresh, and young. Sandra Osborne has a range that captures the emotional experience you're working to achieve. Sandra also loves to create character voices filled with personality for video games and cartoons. She can be heard in game trailers for Nintendo and in video games such as Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, MARVEL Avengers Academy, Cosmonious High, Brawl Stars, AFK Arena, and MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries. Accepting union and non union work. Sandra also utilizes Source Connect, Skype, and phone for directed sessions. Sandra Osborne's top tags: Warm, Professional, Friendly, Sincere, Believable, Confident, Animated, Educational, Upbeat, Calming, Gentle, Sassy, Youthful, Natural, Motivational, Endearing, Funny, Cartoons, Friendly, Animated, Powerful, Awkward, Genuine, Bubbly, Fresh, Reassuring, Conversational, Natural, Girl Next Door, Energetic, Millennial, Quirky, Fun, Sultry, Soothing, Cartoon, Sarcastic, Narrator, Real, Raw
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Female young adult
Female teenager
Female senior
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Orlando, FL, USA
Additional vocal abilities
Southern accent, West Coast accent, Russian accent Impersonations: Luna Lovegood, Harley Quinn
Experience, training, and equipment
Client list includes Nintendo, Marvel, Amazon, American Airlines, Camilia baby products, video game studios such as: Frostburn Studios, TinyCo, Lillith Games, and many more!
Sandra Osborne has had the honor of working with company such as Nintendo, Netflix, Amazon, and Purell.
She provides free auditions and quotes for your project so you can hear for yourself how she can bring your project to life.
Studio Specs:
StudioBricks One Plus VO Edition Booth
Neumann TLM 103 Microphone
Universal Audio Apollo Solo interface
Logic Pro X
Source Connect Standard