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Ryan West
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Ryan West
Deep, masculine voice
Last online17 years ago
Ryan West
Deep, masculine voice
Last online17 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 1:32 - Total samples: 5
On-air talent
Ryan West - 0:26
How to Rob a Bank
Ryan West - 0:28
Ryan West - 0:07
Holiday Segue
Ryan West - 0:05
Santa (or Bill Clinton?) and I
Ryan West - 0:24
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About Ryan
Member sinceJul 18, 2007
Deep, low voice (can comfortalby hit a low B, musically speaking), very warm masculine voice, great radio voice, upbeat, energetic, can go from professional sounding tone to sexy in a heart beat, great for voice overs or voice acting--can even do a jingle! Additionally if you need something to sound very dark or sinister I can do that too.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Experience, training, and equipment
Voiceover artist, have done voice overs for WZIP for 4 years ranging from underwriting adds to "in-your-face" alternative rock production segues, was featured as the production voice for Iditarod coverage on KNOM in Alaska, have done satirical theatrical trailers for ZTV, and a documentary for the archaeology department at the University of Akron.
Voice over extraordinaire, professionally trained by WZIP, Currently studying radio and TV at the University of Akron--WZIP is the number one student run radio station in the United States--while at the same time completing a degree in psychology, have 10 plus years of musical training as well (trained by Terry McCleod who is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame), have done lead and backup vocals in the hard rock band Sanctify, but can sing and play guitar for a variety of styles of music
Proficient in recording raw voice and doing post production on it with Cool Edit or Music Studio, great at singing in key and playing guitar, have produced Sunday services for First Congregational Church in Akron for 3 years, have a background in psychology which I feel is important in understanding the motivations behind each piece of voice I record--helps with "getting into character." Also, I've been a D.J. for WZIP for 4 years and a D.J. for Hats off Entertainment for 3 months, overall I am well-balanced and versatile.