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Rick Sykes
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Rick Sykes
Strong,conversational, believable, soft and smooth
Last online13 years ago
Rick Sykes
Strong,conversational, believable, soft and smooth
Last online13 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 8:23 - Total samples: 10
Rick Sykes - 0:34
Corporate Video Track
Rick Sykes - 1:16
Rick Sykes - 0:32
Rick Sykes - 1:28
Audio Book
Rick Sykes - 2:07
Rick Sykes - 0:30
NEWSWEEK 30 sec spot
Rick Sykes - 0:30
Rick Sykes - 0:29
Rick Sykes - 0:24
TurboTax Radio Spot 30sec
Rick Sykes - 0:30
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About Rick
Member sinceNov 19, 2007
LocationAugusta, GA, USA (GMT -4)
Rick's voice is very versatile, ranging from smooth and professional to warm and friendly. Rick is not a screamer, shouter, or growler, so if hard sell is what you're looking for, he is not your man. He specializes in soft sell and medium sell commercials only.
He can project a great smile with his voice as well as be friendly or authoritative. Because of his business background and his ability to relate to the clients goals, objectives and needs, Rick specializes in corporate training, infomercials, and marketing videos.
Rick has extensive on-air broadcast experience doing live radio commercials, plus live on-camera newscasts, promos and pre-recorded on-camera television commercials.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Augusta, GA, USA
Additional vocal abilities
Accent neutral, Light Southern, Soft Sell, Medium Sell, Subject matter expert, Professional presenter, trainer/instructor, announcer, and some character voices.
Experience, training, and equipment
Rick has over 20 years experience in radio and television including seven years as an on-air radio personality, working as a disc jockey, voice over talent, and newscaster. Rick also has more than 15 years live on air experience as a television news anchor/reporter and producer. He has extensive experience as live on camera talent and voice over talent for radio and television commercials and promotions. He is also very experienced as a voice over talent and on camera talent for corporate marketing and training videos.
National broadcasting school graduate followed by more than 20 years on-air experience in radio and television.
Graduated from Augusta State University with a major in Business and a minor in Communications.
Professional studio - SOUND CRAFTER, INC.
Rode NT1-A & Marshall MXL 2006 microphones; Pop-less Voice Pop Filters - Edirol UA-25EX analog to digital Interface - Sony Sound Forge Audio Studio software - Sony CINESCORE (royalty free) music library and soundtrack generating software. CINESCORE can generate an unlimited number of fully orchestrated compositions that create tens of thousands royalty- free music beds for voice overs and commercials. - Sennheiser HD 280 Pro Headphones - DELL Dimension 4600 computer with a 1TB Seagate Free-agent™ External hard drive and 2g RAM - M-Audio Deluxe Studiophile Studio Monitors.
No ISDN or phone patch at this point, but will have as soon as practical.
Rick's work is 100% satisfaction guaranteed. With each client, his goal is to produce a final audio track that equals or exceeds his client's expectations.
Rick will make desired changes and updates, within a reasonable period of time, at no additional cost.
Rick is a college graduate with a degree in Business and Communications. He has owned and operated several businesses himself, including an international, 57,000 member, equine sport association. His education and business experience give him a keen understanding of business and corporate marketing, training and management.
Rick does extremely well with marketing, product and training videos for corporations as well as all types of corporate and business videos. He also works as on-camera talent in many corporate videos.
Rick takes direction very well and enjoys learning from every project in which he is involved.