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Rick Purdy
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Rick Purdy
Professional Voice talent
Last online1 year ago
Rick Purdy
Professional Voice talent
Last online1 year ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 0:23 - Total samples: 1
Training Video
Rick Purdy - 0:23
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About Rick
Member sinceMar 25, 2006
Upbeat and enthusiastic for commercial reads, very clear and concise for telephone voice mail work and very professional sounding for educational documentaries and corporate presentations.. Voice over professional. Tremendous voice for Podcasts, No accent, very good generic sounding voice for all regions in North America.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Experience, training, and equipment
I have been voicing for almost thirty years. My early voice work was as a Staff Announcer for radio stations across Canada. During my time as a "disc jockey" I literally voiced thousands of commercials for clients. I picked up the ability to read a script one time, and usually got it right the 2nd or third read. Agencies that utilized my voice in Regina over the years, liked the fact that I was quick and very good. I take voice direction very well and can deliver any type of read you require. I hosted a few TV shows when I was younger. and in 2002 I voiced the 26 episode Great Cemeteries of the World, by Talking Dog and it ran across Canada on various channels, primarily the Mystery Channel. I have spent many years working with an associate in California voicing training tapes. He has contracted me over the years to read many technical documents. The training manuals have been turned into training videos and my voice has been used exclusively for Fibre Optic Lazer splicing videos and it's related equipment Corporate voice over presentations are my speciality.
My father worked at CFN in Germany during the 70's and I worked part time at the radio station when I was 14 years old. I had my own one-hour weekly radio show and learned how to read commercials by the CBC staff announcers that were stationed in Europe. I attended Humber College in 1977/78 and was the Most promising announcer for the class of 1978. 30 years of voice over work has polished my skills to a fine art.
In my professional life I am called upon continually to MC functions, update the voice mail greetings/messages at our offices, do the radio and TV voice work for any of our company advertising.